Under the baton of Dr Robert Casteels, GENUS presents a concert of familiar and freshly composed tunes from 11 countries.



NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS)
Sun 16 Mar | 8pm | Conservatory Concert Hall, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music | $19 & $16 | 105 min (with interval)

*Tickets are selling fast!*

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Faced with the prospect of continuing with his thoroughly unremarkable existence for the rest of his days, The Man decides to take a step into the unknown and go off the beaten track by hitchhiking and backpacking. As he learns more and more about the world he had never known before. As he becomes consumed by wanderlust, his little holiday getaway transforms into a cross-continental adventure. Will he maintain his itinerant lifestyle, or will he ever be able to return home?

Under the baton of Dr Robert Casteels, GENUS will present this modern Odyssey through a concert of familiar and freshly composed tunes from 11 countries performed on the Niibori guitar.

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