For emergencies, please call 999 for the police (or SMS 71999 if it is NOT SAFE to call ‘999’ or when you cannot speak).
If urgent medical attention is needed, call 995 for the emergency ambulance service.
To report abuse or violence, contact the National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline at 1800-777-0000.
If you have thoughts of hurting yourself, including thoughts of suicide, please call 1-767 for the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) and stay on the phone until someone attends to you. You can also reach SOS on Facebook Messenger
Your privacy is important to us.
All information provided by you will be recorded and kept confidential within NUS Health and Wellbeing in accordance with the National University of Singapore Personal Data Protection Policy and Procedures.
Please do reach out to us at hwb@nus.edu.sg if you have any concerns or queries. Thank you!