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Frequently Asked Questions

University Hall Level 2,
UHL-02-03, WellNUS Space
21 Lower Kent Ridge Road

Singapore 119077

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
PH Eve: 9am-12pm
NUS Holidays, Sat, Sun and PH: Closed


You can chope a seat via the uNivUSapp.

You can find the instructions here

You can chope a maximum of four one-hour slots per day, either in discrete and separate one-hour slots, or in a single four-hour block.

We believe that everyone should get a fair chance to chope a seat in our co-working areas, and as such the time limit is necessary to help manage demand, especially during peak periods. We are continuously monitoring usage and will adjust the daily booking limit if necessary.

We’ve decided on one-hour slots based on user data derived from similar bookable spaces. We are constantly monitoring usage and will adjust the time limit if necessary.

You may chope a seat up to 3 days in advance.

If you’re at the seat, just scan the QR code on the table to check if that timeslot is available.

If you’re booking in advance, the app will show you which seats are available.

If you did not check-in, your booking will be released after a grace period of 15 minutes. If you arrive within the first hour of your booking, please proceed to find an unoccupied seat. You can only book seats for the next hour onwards, subject to availability.

You can occupy an empty seat if it’s booked, but you will have to vacate the seat if the user with the reservation shows up.

Life happens, we get it. Sometimes you just need to stretch your legs, sometimes a call might take longer than expected.

However, we do encourage you to bring your belongings with you if you think you’ll have to step away for more than a few minutes.

If you do leave your belongings at your seat, do know that you run the risk of having the items removed from the table – especially if your time runs out and it’s another user’s turn to use the space.

Terms and Conditions

  • Users with a valid Chope@NUS booking will have priority use of the selected space.
  • If you do not show up and check-in for your selected timeslot, the booking will be released after a grace period of 15 mins.
  • Personal belongings will be removed if left unattended for extended periods.