Dr Andrew Epaphroditus Tay from the NUS Health and Wellbeing Team shares various ways in which we can learn to better manage our emotions in our daily lives!

Recognising the growing stress levels, NUS has been stepping up efforts to promote mental and emotional well-being in its staff and students. The upcoming initiative: NUS Well-Being Day. On 5 November 2021, NUS will shut down to recharge as a community.

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At the #AreuOK – Let’s Talk About Mental Health webinar held on 16 June 2021, NUS Chairman Mr Hsieh Fu Hua engaged representatives from various faculties, alumni and the student body in a discussion of ways to increase awareness of mental health issues and to render better support to individuals who require assistance to improve their mental wellbeing.

1. #AreuOK main ban

In December 2020, NUS launched the #AreuOK campaign to drive awareness of mental health, and to create an environment of empathy and inclusivity for staff. The campaign is spearheaded by the Health & Wellbeing (HWB) team and the Organisational Excellence Transformation Unit at the Office of the President, in collaboration with various departments across the University.