NUS Peer Staff Supporters List

  • In need of a listening ear?
  • Wanting to connect or re-connect?
  • Feeling stressed or overwhelmed?
  • Feeling alone/isolated?
  • Can’t get along with your team?
  • Can’t stop worrying or feeling anxious about work? (e.g. timelines, too many projects, unclear instructions, changing expectations)
  • Feeling down?
  • Changing guidelines or hybrid working driving you up the wall?
  • Personal or work-related issues?

Reach out to a NUS Peer Supporter!

NUS Peer Staff Supporters are colleagues who have undergone training to be equipped with skills to befriend and support peers. They’ll be able to help provide you with a listening ear and help guide you to appropriate help and resources within campus. You may share whatever you feel comfortable sharing with your peer supporter. Know that whatever is shared with them will be kept confidential.

Do note that peer support is not equivalent to a counselling session. Should a counselling session be required, your peer supporter can direct you to the necessary resources.

PSS are available via email from Mondays to Fridays, 9-5pm.

Otherwise, please email to arrange for a session to speak with a PSS.

wdt_ID Name Department
1 Goh Sok Hong DUKE NUS
2 Sapna Menon DUKE NUS
3 Lynn Ng DUKE NUS
4 Jiang Peiyun DUKE NUS
5 Norrita Abdul Ghani DUKE NUS
7 Anirudh Sharma DUKE NUS
8 Sarada Bulchand DUKE NUS
9 Dolliss Ang DUKE NUS
10 Jacqueline Ho DUKE NUS
11 Deborah Seah DUKE NUS
14 Attilio Rapisarda DUKE NUS
15 Nicole Lim DUKE NUS
16 Fahad Javaid Siddiqui  DUKE NUS
17 Tan Poh Jee DUKE NUS
18 Ong Mei Ling  DUKE NUS
19 Melanie Wong  DUKE NUS
20 Jyotika Puri  DUKE NUS
21 Gustavo Enrique Crespo Avilan DUKE NUS
22 Rupesh Shirore DUKE NUS
23 Joyceline Ng  DUKE NUS
24 Silke Vogel  DUKE NUS
25 Seyed Ehsan Saffari  DUKE NUS
26 Yogeswari Vikiraman  DUKE NUS
27 Ranjini D/O G. Nagaraja DUKE NUS
28 Ng Kok Eng DUKE NUS