Changing Lives


Many young people dream of obtaining a university degree but the financial challenge makes that dream seem impossible for some. At the National University of Singapore (NUS), we believe that a university education should be available to all those who have the ability to succeed, not just those with the means. We would like every bright and deserving young person to go as far as their talents can take them.

The gift of a bursary can change young people’s lives. It gives students access to a world-class NUS education. It frees up their time to focus on their studies instead of fretting over how to finance their study and living expenses. It helps them improve their socio-economic well-being and that of their families when they graduate and enter the workforce.

Your gift will join a long tradition of benefactors giving to support students in financial need. The Students’ War Memorial Fund, which supports a named bursary, was set up in 1947 by the Medical College Union in memory of 11 medical students who were killed during the Japanese Occupation. In the following pages, you will find named bursaries made possible thanks to the generosity of selfless donors such as you.

Thank you for giving to bursaries. Your gift has transformed lives, and helped to raise the ambitions of many young people who previously thought a university education was unattainable.

Professor Tan Eng Chye

'85 President



You have the power to create transformational opportunities. Are you ready to change lives for the better?