Donors lend their support for an unforgettable 32nd IOI in Singapore

Around 800 participants from almost 90 countries participated in the 32nd International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI2020) held online in September. The most prestigious computer science competition for secondary and high school students around the world is hosted by a different country every year, and 2020 marks Singapore’s first time playing host since the inception of the IOI in 1989.

Noting that IOI will not happen again in Singapore for the next 30 to 40 years, Associate Professor Tan Sun Teck from the NUS School of Computing and the Executive Director for the IOI2020 said, “It is really an honour to have been able to host the event.”

The IOI2020 represents a major milestone for Singapore and NUS. Beyond ensuring the smooth running of the event, the organising team was committed to creating an unforgettable experience for all participants. The organising committee for the IOI2020, comprising faculty members of NUS Computing, had promptly launched into action to prepare for the event when the news broke out — booking the event venues, arranging the accommodation and planning the eight-day programme.

Everything was set for success — that is, until COVID-19 struck. While the physical event was postponed and hosted as an online event instead, Prof Tan and his team are taking things in their stride.

Prof Tan is grateful for the generous support of like-minded donors, who have given both funds and sponsorship in kind towards the event. As the official sponsor of the IOI2020, Acer’s provision of 450 laptops and four servers formed the backbone of the competition set-up.

PayPal, Sea Group, Tezos and Jump Trading’s financial gifts have also enabled the organising team to plan a world-class event as have the contributions from DBS, Quantco, Charles & Keith and Poco Music Studio. “In June 2021, we will be hosting the 33rd IOI onsite in Singapore if the COVID-19 situation permits. By doing so, Singapore will be the only country in the history of IOI that would have hosted two IOIs consecutively,” Prof Tan informed.

When asked what he hopes participants will take away from the IOI2020 and IOI2021 experience, Prof Tan replied, “Great lasting memories, great lasting friendships and a great sense of achievement.”