NUS Giving launched a new brand identity with a fresh look that celebrates future-making.


COVID-19 may have thrust the whole world into uncertainty, but NUS Giving is not going to just wait in the pandemic’s shadow. Rather, we have unveiled a new brand identity to seal our commitment to shape the future proactively, with the support of the University’s philanthropic partners.

This vision is the inspiration behind NUS Giving’s new logo design, which features a seed, beautifully rendered to resemble an elegant marble sculpture.

Every gift is a seed that can be sown to transform lives and empower change. With the financial support of donors, we can establish bursaries and scholarships to give deserving students the opportunity to develop into future leaders. We can amplify research efforts today to solve the problems of tomorrow. The work of NUS Giving is not just fundraising, but future-making.

To celebrate the launch of the new identity, NUS Giving has planned a host of activities, including a social media contest, showcase of the brand video, the launch of a giant seed sculpture in University Town and an art trail featuring miniature seed sculpture interpretations by the NUS Giving community.

To make a gift online, please click here.

For Faculty and Staff Giving, please click here