Philanthropic giving in higher education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of students and institutions alike. As fundraising landscapes evolve and public resources become more constrained, the importance of private contributions has never been greater.

At the National University of Singapore (NUS), philanthropic gifts catalyse breakthroughs in research, support the next generation of leaders, and enhance the University’s capacity to serve the global community. This article explores how philanthropic gifts not only contribute to the ongoing success of the University but also create a profound impact on the student experience and the University’s broader mission.

The Transformative Impact of Gifts

At NUS, philanthropic gifts have enabled the establishment of new research facilities, bursaries, scholarships, and programmes that directly benefit our students and academic community. These fundraising contributions foster an enriched learning environment and create opportunities that prepare NUS students to become leaders in their respective fields.

Each contribution, no matter its size, plays a part in enhancing the student experience. Scholarships and bursaries open doors for those who might otherwise be unable to afford higher education, and also support experiential learning programmes that bridge academic theory with real-world practice, enhancing the relevance and impact of education.

Furthermore, the act of giving benefits donors in multiple ways. Beyond the tax deductions donors enjoy, they also gain personal satisfaction and fulfilment from seeing their contributions make a real difference. For many, this is also an opportunity to give back to their alma mater or to contribute to the future of a field that they are passionate about. Performing an act of legacy giving in support of named bursaries, scholarships or endowed professorships allows donors to leave a lasting mark that extends their impact far into the future.

From Service to Social Work: Transforming Lives Through Philanthropy

The real-world impact of these philanthropic opportunities is vividly illustrated through the stories of NUS students whose lives have been transformed by such generosity. One such story is that of Mr Sim Jian Wen (Arts and Social Sciences ’23), whose academic and personal journey encapsulates how targeted financial aid not only enhances the recipient’s prospects but also amplifies his or her capacity for societal contribution.

Mr Sim’s transformation from a national serviceman to a social work student driven by a passion for community improvement illustrates the profound personal and societal impact of financial aid. His experience in the Singapore Police Force opened his eyes to the complexities of societal issues, motivating him to pursue a degree in Social Work at NUS, where he could learn the skills needed to make a significant difference in the lives of disadvantaged families.

With the support of financial aid, Mr Sim was able to immerse himself fully in his studies and community activities. His leadership in the Peer Student Supporters group and his academic pursuits were made possible through the Higher Education Bursary and NUS Donated Bursary, allowing him to focus on fostering a supportive environment on campus. This not only enriched his university experience but also equipped him with the tools to effect real change in the broader community.

Empowering Futures: Melanis Tai’s Journey Through Philanthropic Support

Ms Melanis Tai Jing En's (Arts and Social Sciences ’21) journey from financial constraint to becoming a beacon of inspiration and public service epitomises the transformative power of philanthropy. Before receiving the Chia Siew Wong Bursary, Ms Tai juggled multiple part-time jobs to support her family and education, which often left her with little time for academic and personal development. The financial aid she received was a turning point that allowed her to focus on her studies and participate in enriching activities that broadened her horizons and professional network.

With the support of the Bursary, Ms Tai was able to engage in a range of transformative experiences, from internships at prestigious organisations to representing Singapore in international beauty pageants. These opportunities not only enhanced her education experience but also helped her develop a robust professional profile that would be instrumental in her future career. Her success story is a powerful testament to how targeted financial support can help talented students overcome socioeconomic barriers and achieve their fullest potential.

Moreover, Ms Tai’s story highlights the cyclical nature of giving. Inspired by the support she received, Ms Tai was motivated to pursue a career in public service. Her goal is to give back to the community and influence policies that uplift vulnerable populations. This ripple effect, where beneficiaries of philanthropy become benefactors in their own right, is one of the most compelling outcomes of investment in education through philanthropy.

How to Make a Gift to NUS

Supporting NUS through NUS Giving, the University’s philanthropic arm, is a straightforward process. Donors can choose from a variety of giving options that best suit their financial situations and philanthropic goals. Making a gift online is an easy and efficient way to contribute from anywhere in the world, while gifts of shares and securities offer an alternative for those looking to leverage their investments for philanthropic purposes. For those interested in leaving a lasting legacy, endowed gifts or planned giving options such as bequests provide a way to make a significant impact that resonates beyond a lifetime.

Each method of giving is designed to be as accessible and beneficial as possible, not just for NUS but for the donor as well. 

NUS Giving is ready to assist all our donors in finding the right type of gift, ensuring that your contributions are both meaningful and in alignment with your personal values and financial planning.

Make Your Mark Through Philanthropy

Higher education fundraising is a powerful tool that not only transforms the lives of individual students but also drives institutional advancement and societal improvement. At NUS, the impact of these gifts is evident in every facet of university life. As NUS continues to lead in education and innovation, the support of our alumni, friends, and philanthropic partners remains invaluable.

We invite the community to join us in this mission to create opportunities and foster a better future through education. By investing in NUS, donors become an integral part of a legacy of excellence and a brighter future shaped by knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate leaders. Your support not only contributes to the immediate needs of the University but also helps ensure that NUS continues to serve as a beacon of learning and innovation for generations to come.