At the heart of the National University of Singapore (NUS) lies a dynamic ecosystem driven by philanthropy. Here, individuals and organisations are more than mere contributors; they are invaluable partners in a shared mission to propel higher education and research to new heights. Through their unwavering support, NUS not only nurtures academic excellence but also pioneers innovative solutions with the potential to create a lasting impact on societies across the globe. Join us as we delve into how your gifts of philanthropy are driving change and unlocking the full potential of NUS.

Funding Innovation: How Contributions Advance Research

In an era of rapid advancement and change, it becomes increasingly evident how critical it is to support research. At its core, contributing to research and development extends beyond providing financial backing for projects; it involves investing in potential. With the right support, bright and committed individuals are empowered to transform their ideas into tangible solutions that will shape our future for the better.

Your support in funding innovation at NUS plays a vital role in expediting research processes and providing our faculty with essential resources such as laboratories, datasets and research assistants. Together, they enable faculty and researchers to pursue promising ideas and ensure that the entire community benefits from the quality and value of NUS’ research. 

With increased financial support, NUS can fund research that pushes the boundaries of exploration and effectively translates researchers’ discoveries and innovations into practical solutions. Your contributions can facilitate groundbreaking research efforts across various fields. For example, in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), grants and funding could fuel the development of ethical computing, leading to more trustworthy and transparent AI technologies. Moreover, in addressing pressing social issues like Singapore’s food waste sustainability, contributions to NUS can amplify the impact of initiatives such as Associate Professor Duong Hai Minh’s eco-friendly approach to converting agricultural waste into versatile aerogels for commercial use. Similarly, in the medical realm, your support of healthcare initiatives could advance the development of innovative healthcare treatments and diagnostics for age-related mental conditions, crucial for bolstering the mental health resilience of Singapore's ageing population.

Philanthropic research funding and support are integral to our world-leading education and research programmes that make a difference to local communities and global knowledge systems. This support not only fuels scientific discovery for the greater social good but also trains and motivates future innovators, medical professionals, researchers, sustainability experts and many others to continue pushing the boundaries of their innovations.

Empowering Students: The Role of Philanthropy in Education

As a globally acclaimed centre of academic excellence, renowned for its commitment to innovation, impactful research contributions and holistic education, NUS stands as a tertiary institution uniquely positioned to nurture the changemakers of tomorrow. Recognising that education is the cornerstone of personal growth and advancement, contributions to NUS through education philanthropy transcend acts of generosity or goodwill; they become transformative legacies that create ripples of impact.

Your support ensures that NUS can continue its mission of nurturing talent regardless of socio-economic disparities. From funding cutting-edge teaching facilities and resources to attracting top-tier educators and researchers, resources contributed through higher education philanthropy enhance the student learning experience at NUS. Your contributions may also be directed to fund scholarships that recognise the brilliance of exceptional students and empower them to reach their full potential. Alternatively, your gift can also help financially needy students cover tuition fees and alleviate financial burdens through bursaries, providing them with a strong financial start while enabling them to benefit from holistic experiences such as stays at NUS’ residential colleges. Furthermore, your act of philanthropy can also create education or research opportunities for immersive international programmes, allowing them to broaden their horizons and learn from the world beyond our island shores.

A remarkable testament to the impact of higher education fundraising is seen in the success story of NUS alumna, Dr Yeo Li Hsia’s (Physics ’13) transformative education at NUS and passion for space exploration landed her in NASA’s Postdoctoral Program fellowship. Dr Yeo's journey exemplifies how philanthropic contributions to NUS empower exceptional individuals to achieve their dreams and make significant contributions to global advancements in science, technology and beyond. 

Join the Mission: How to Contribute to NUS’ Future

Now that you have gained an understanding of the significant influence of your acts of philanthropy, you may be wondering how you can contribute to making a lasting impact on education, research and societal innovation through NUS Giving. Fortunately, there are numerous avenues through which you can offer your support and have a long-term influence. 

At the end of the day, philanthropic support for education and research funding in Singapore has a transformative impact. By providing scholarships and establishing high-quality facilities, you can play a part in empowering NUS students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds to become leaders in their respective fields. Funding for innovation further accelerates research, addressing urgent global issues such as food security and supporting healthcare initiatives, among others. Ultimately, every donor leaves a lasting legacy that is vital for ensuring a promising future guided by capable hands. We invite you to participate in this endeavour and join the countless others whose contributions have created a profound and enduring impact on education, research and societal progress at NUS and beyond. 

Whether you choose to make immediate contributions or consider leaving a gift in your will, supporting NUS Giving grants, each and every one of us has the possibility to create collective impactful change beyond our imaginations. Together, let us shape a brighter future through the power of philanthropy.