Wondering how to give back to society now that you have graduated and moved on to the working world?

Just as a seed heralds the promise of growth, embracing transformative philanthropy at the National University of Singapore (NUS) marks the beginning of a journey. Here, every contribution that you make becomes a catalyst for change, supporting financially disadvantaged students, fostering groundbreaking advancements in education and research innovation, and ultimately driving meaningful societal change.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the myriad ways you can give back to the community by becoming a part of NUS Giving, a vibrant community of changemakers dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

Benefits of Contributing to Higher Education Through Philanthropy

At NUS, we highly value and deeply appreciate the generosity of our donors. We believe in recognising their kindness in meaningful ways. Through naming opportunities, these compassionate donors will have the unique opportunity to leave a lasting legacy by having their names or the names of their loved ones immortalised on our campus. Whether through naming a building, a bursary, a scholarship, an innovation grant or a research centre, these opportunities serve as a symbol of gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions made.

Moreover, supporting NUS Giving goes beyond simply giving back. By making a contribution to the University, you may be eligible for tax deductions 2.5 times the value of your gift. Not only are you making a difference in the lives of others through philanthropy, but you will also enjoy the added perk of reducing your taxable income. However, the most fulfilling aspect of giving to NUS is the knowledge that you are part of something greater than yourself. At NUS Giving, we aim to foster a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for creating positive change in the world. Together, we can leverage the power of education and fund research to address some of the most pressing challenges facing society today.

Whether you are interested in establishing a scholarship, funding groundbreaking research, or leaving a legacy through naming opportunities, there is a way for everyone to get involved and make a significant impact on the lives of students, researchers and communities today. Find out more about the ways to give to NUS.

Real People, Real Impact

Contributions to NUS have sparked transformative initiatives across various fields, showcasing the profound impact of philanthropy on education, research and societal progress. Through the generous support of our community, NUS has embarked on incredible ventures that are reshaping the future.

For instance, philanthropic contributions have enabled the establishment and funding of research institutes such as the Centre for Hydrogen Innovations (CHI). CHI pioneers breakthrough technologies to make hydrogen commercially viable as a green energy source, addressing environmental challenges and advancing sustainable energy innovations. Additionally, contributions from our donors support healthcare initiatives such as 'IDentif.AI', an artificial intelligence platform led by Professor Dean Ho’s team that accelerates the discovery of drug combination therapies to combat emerging infections like COVID-19.

Moreover, gifts to NUS have empowered students to pursue impactful research in areas like environmental conservation and sustainability. Initiatives like the NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions (CNCS) provide students with opportunities to engage in research that contributes to biodiversity preservation and climate resilience, fostering a more sustainable future. 

NUS Giving enables students and academics to realise their aspirations and make meaningful contributions to society. Whether through financial aid programmes such as the NUS Business School Alumni (NUSBSA) Bursary Fund, research funding or experiential learning opportunities, donors play a crucial role in empowering students and academics alike to become leaders and changemakers in their respective fields. 

These financial aid recipients often pay it forward as we can see from . Mr Bang Wen Han (Environmental Studies ’24), for instance, aims to work for an environmental NGO as an environmental changemaker in recognition of the support he’s received via the Silent Environment Bursary.

These examples illustrate the potential multiplier effect that contributions to NUS can make, highlighting how philanthropy drives positive change to society. The next time you consider “which charity should I donate to in Singapore?”, consider directing your contributions to NUS instead.

By supporting NUS’ philanthropic opportunities, donors make a lasting impact on the lives of students and the broader community, leaving a legacy of innovation, excellence, and social responsibility. 

Are you ready to be a part of the change? Join us in making a difference through NUS Giving.