According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) 2024 Global Climate Report, March 2024 was the warmest March on record globally in 175 years. 

Environmental challenges have arrived at our doorstep, and even Singapore—long protected from natural disasters as compared to our Southeast Asian neighbours—is now grappling with the immediate impact of climate change, such as the record-high heatwave in April and May 2024. 

Sustainability is no longer a buzzword or even a call to action: it is an imperative that must be heeded in order to secure the present and future of our planet, our environment, and, of course, all of us.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has spearheaded major sustainability initiatives in and outside of Singapore for decades, leading the charge in global climate change mitigation and adaptation. Read on to find out more about these initiatives and how your giving can directly support the work of countless researchers and activists in the field.

Providing the Right Grounds for Change to Happen

Sustainability at NUS begins at home, or rather, on our campus. The University’s sustainability roadmap is divided into four core pillars, each with their own vision and method of impact:

Education: Nurture environmental stewards

Education is the cornerstone of sustainability, empowering individuals to become informed advocates for our planet. At NUS, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards through innovative environmental education initiatives. 

From offering sustainability-focused degrees across multiple disciplines and programme levels to including sustainability as a module in our Professional and Executive Education courses, we equip students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to tackle complex environmental challenges.

Notably, this has borne fruit in the form of outstanding alumni like Mr Lim Chong Tee (Engineering ’16), valedictorian, winner of the Outstanding Engineering Young Alumni Award, and Chief Marketing Officer of homegrown social enterprise Wateroam. 

Wateroam delivers easy-to-operate and cost-effective water filtration systems to vulnerable communities and rural developments, bridging infrastructural gaps to ensure communities can access the basic human right to clean water. 

The organisation has impacted over 200,000 lives since its inception in 2014 – when Mr Lim and his co-founders Mr David Pong (Business ’14) and Mr Vincent Loka (Engineering ’15) were still undergraduates in NUS. In fact, the trio relied on help from University’s resources to get their start-up off the ground, including formal incubation through NUS Enterprise, and mentorship, as well as participation in its Lean LaunchPad Singapore programme.

Research: Develop Sustainability Solutions

As a leading research university worldwide, NUS has pioneered and participated in countless projects to drive innovation in environmental conservation. From nature-based climate solutions to renewable energy technologies, the University’s research projects are pushing the boundaries of what is possible and paving the way for a more sustainable future.

One such programme is the Carbon Market Integrity Research and Development Programme Singapore (Carbon Integrity SG), led by the Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions (CNCS) under the NUS Faculty of Science. 

Co-funded by NUS and the National Research Foundation (NRF), the initiative builds on existing CNCS data on nature-based projects throughout Southeast Asia. Where Carbon Integrity SG takes the next step forward is by establishing monitoring sites across the region, enabling researchers to gain better, more accurate estimates related to carbon yield, carbon storage, and carbon estimation models. 

This has great potential to amplify existing carbon emission reduction efforts in the region, as well as climate action in general – paving the way for higher-impact initiatives in the sector.

Campus: Build a Greener Campus

As one of the largest and most vibrant campuses in Singapore, NUS has a responsibility to lead by example when it comes to campus sustainability. 

The University’s Campus Sustainability Roadmap 2030 focuses on four main programmes: Carbon Neutral NUS, Cool NUS, Zero Waste NUS and Campus in a Tropical Rainforest. The programmes aim to achieve a wide range of sustainability efforts, namely reducing Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions, cooling the campus’ outdoor areas, easing the recycling and reusing process on campus, and encouraging biodiversity and reforestation.

According to the Campus Sustainability Roundup 2022, visible changes have already been made such as the launch of Singapore’s first building cluster built through adaptive reuse; widespread installation of temperature sensor networks; the planting of 35,100 trees on campus since November 2018; and launching of resource sorting stations in student residences. These have resulted in positive initial results, including Scope 1 and 2 emissions being 8% lower than FY22 business-as-usual, a promising 32% recycling rate, and the conversion of open lawns to forest gardens for increased biodiversity.

Engagement: Connect with Communities

At NUS, we firmly believe that sustainability is a collective effort that requires the participation and collaboration of all members of society. To that end, the University is committed to engaging with communities, both locally and globally, to address environmental challenges and foster a culture of sustainability. 

Through outreach programmes such as the inaugural NUS Sustainability CONNECT and GreeNUSummit 2023, the University community can engage with each other and the wider public to discuss the latest cutting-edge green technologies and initiatives. Community partnerships and volunteer opportunities are also abound, such as the NUS SAVE Biodiversity Pulau Ubin Walk, NUS Toddycats Habitat Enhancement session, and the NUS Cities Symposium, which focused on ideas for green city living – a pertinent issue for just about anyone living in Singapore and other major cities around the world today.

At NUS, sustainability has never been a one-off goal – it has always been a journey. 

And it is through the generous support of philanthropy-minded donors in Singapore that the University is able to take the next step forward in funding innovative projects, empowering future leaders, and building a greener, more sustainable world for all.

Whether through annual giving, legacy giving, or major giving, your contributions to NUS’ sustainability programmes will make a significant impact in addressing climate change and secure the future of our planet.