Donors of NUS Giving play a crucial role as catalysts for change, combining their resources with the potential of future changemakers to create a lasting impact. Their contributions go beyond financial gifts; they are investments in the promise of education and the pursuit of solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. This partnership between generosity and vision fosters a culture of sustained empowerment, transforming lives and driving innovation.

However, impactful giving is not solely about generosity; it also involves strategy. Be it alumni giving or leaving a charitable legacy, donors have the opportunity to make their acts of philanthropy more impactful through smart giving options such as recurring gifts and tax-efficient planning. 

These methods not only ensure ongoing support for vital programmes but also amplify the value and effectiveness of each contribution, paving the way for a legacy of meaningful change. Read on as we explore how these strategies can open avenues for donors to maximise their impact, nurturing the seeds of progress for a brighter future.

1. Targeted Giving to Specific Programs

By embracing the ethos of targeted giving, donors have the opportunity to align their support with the causes that resonate most deeply with their personal beliefs and values. This approach to philanthropy creates a meaningful connection between donors and their chosen area of impact, whether it be in health, technology, community development, innovation or enterprise. At NUS Giving, we offer a diverse range of initiatives available for support, such as the Urbanisation & Sustainability and Healthy Longevity pillars of the See The Possibility capital campaign. This ensures that every contribution can directly empower change in a specific field that holds importance to the donor.

Transparency and understanding how contributions are utilised are paramount concerns for many donors. They are eager to see how their support translates into real-world impact. NUS Giving recognises this desire for clarity and is dedicated to demonstrating how targeted gifts contribute to the advancement of specific programmes and initiatives.

2. Proposing NUS Giving as a Corporate Social Responsibility Beneficiary for Your Company

Embracing corporate social responsibility reflects a company’s commitment to contributing positively to society, a principle perfectly aligned with NUS Giving’s mission. By integrating NUS Giving into your corporate and social responsibility initiatives, your business can direct their efforts towards significant societal issues such as education, healthcare and strategic technological advancements. This partnership not only amplifies your company’s impact on social welfare but also aligns with business objectives to shape a better future for all.

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Partnering with NUS Giving gives you an opportunity to exemplify your company’s beliefs and values by showcasing a deep commitment to driving social change. Such a partnership signals to consumers, investors and the community that your company is actively involved in making a difference. It also encourages employee engagement, providing your staff with opportunities to participate in meaningful projects that align with their values and the company's mission, giving them greater fulfilment and a sense of wellbeing.

3. Timing Your Contributions for Tax Reductions 

By contributing to NUS Giving, a high-impact philanthropic organisation that champions initiatives benefiting both local and global communities, donors not only further valuable impact but also leverage advantageous tax deductions.

In Singapore, contributing to an approved Institution of a Public Character (IPC) like NUS entitles you to tax deductions of 2.5 times the amount given, which can be applied in the next tax season. To ensure eligibility for these deductions, it is critical to direct your contributions to approved organisations and provide your NRIC/FIN details to the IPC. This allows IRAS to automatically consider your contributions for tax deductions.

4. Giving Through Recurring Gifts/GIRO 

Opting for recurring gifts through GIRO demonstrates the ease and efficiency that modern and high-impact philanthropy can achieve. This approach stands as a beacon of convenience, eliminating the need for traditional and more cumbersome payment methods. By choosing recurring gifts through GIRO, donors like you can ensure that your contributions are seamless and straightforward, without the necessity for cheques or concerns about handling cash.

For example, participating in NUS Giving’s Annual Giving programme through GIRO showcases how donors can make a sustained impact. This not only facilitates a smoother and more efficient giving process but also enhances NUS Giving’s ability to plan and implement programmes that drive meaningful progress and innovation. By embedding their contributions within this annual cycle, donors provide a steady foundation that enables NUS Giving to make tangible differences in the lives of its beneficiaries, embodying the essence of impactful philanthropy.

Staying Informed About Your Impact

At NUS Giving, we ensure donors remain connected to the impact of their contributions through our NUS Giving Report and sharing impactful stories across our website and social media platforms. These publications and stories serve as a window into how each gift is driving change, showcasing the tangible outcomes and breakthroughs enabled by your generosity. Our goal is to foster a deeper bond between you and the causes you are passionate about, ensuring that you feel connected to the positive change you are helping to create.

Forging a Legacy Impact with NUS Giving

In the realm of high-impact education philanthropy, the journey of every donor with NUS Giving goes beyond the act of giving; it is about crafting a lasting legacy that resonates through generations. The strategies we have explored underscore the multifaceted nature of smart giving. Whether it is through strategically timing contributions to maximise tax benefits or staying closely connected with the impact of your gifts, each step taken is a stride towards creating a more empowered, educated and equitable world.