
About NUS Achievement Awards (NAA)

The NUS Achievement Awards (formerly Student Life Awards) is the most prestigious and only University-level award that honours the exceptional achievements of student life beyond academics. The Awards title was inducted in 2023 to celebrate the full range and diversity of NUS student life offered by the Office of Student Affairs, which covers 9 outward-facing service units in arts, community engagement, hostel admissions, residential Life, student accessibility, sports, student leadership, student services and student wellness. Award recipients will receive mention of their award during their respective NUS Commencement Ceremonies, alongside other University-conferred awards. Students and student groups will be recognised for contributions in 6 categories.

 CategoryWhat it Honours
 ArtsThe Arts category seeks to recognise artistic excellence in NUS, and recognises significant contributions to the arts and arts management at NUS CFA, the University and the wider community.
Community ImpactThe Community Impact category seeks to recognise inspiring projects that have made a significant impact in the following fields: community service (local and/or overseas); social integration; sustainability; health and well-being; promotion of arts or sports. The key consideration for this award is demonstration of the impact a project had on the community.
Competitions (General)This award recognises individuals or teams who have represented NUS in a competition and have excelled in the international, regional and/or national level. The teams’ result must be in the top 3 of the competition and there must be at least 5 other competing teams.
 LeadershipThe Leadership category seeks to recognise Student Leaders who have significantly enhanced Student Life through their leadership qualities and the embodiment of the core values of NUS – Innovation, Resilience, Excellence, Respect, Integrity.
 SportsThe Sports category seeks to recognise high-performing sporting individuals or teams with an exceptional track record of achievements. This category is only open to varsity athletes or teams who have represented NUS in competitions.
 RecognitionThe Recognition category honours two groups – Eco Champions and Campus Vibrancy. Eco Champion Recognition honours project teams who have demonstrated high commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable practices. Campus Vibrancy Recognition is presented to University-wide projects that have made an impact on student life and community building. This is a non-competitive category and recipients are compiled by the Office of Student Affairs.

About NAA Visual Identity

The visual identity (VI) of NAA underpins the belief that every NUS student sets out to achieve an exceptional version of themselves. The key visual element, which is repeated in the VI, is an upward arrow, which connotes increase, positive change, and ascension to new heights. When grouped together, the six-sided emblem, resembles a wheel, which indicate constant drive, energy, action and movement. The six upward arrows also represent the six award categories or fields of impact - Recognition, Sports, Community Impact, Leadership, Competitions, and Arts, symbolising that a well-rounded range of student life experiences one can benefit from at NUS.