
NUSSU Rag & Flag

Mark your Calendars!


Flag Day
Day 1: 27 Jul 2024
Day 2: 3 Aug 2024

Rag & Flag Day
Date: 10 Aug 2024
Location: UTown Green

Flag Day

Flag Day, is one of the largest university fundraisers in Singapore, consisting of a wide array of fundraisers conducted by NUS student bodies to welcome new students and instil the spirit of charity in NUS Student Life.

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This time last year...

An annual signature Freshman Orientation event of the NUS Students’ Union since 1958, the NUSSU RAG AND FLAG event encourages the NUS community to contribute towards improving the welfare of the needy and less privileged. It serves as an annual charity project to raise donations for the Community Chest, the fundraising and engagement arm of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). The overall aim is to rally the NUS community to contribute to this charity-based endeavour, tangibly helping the needs of the underprivileged and community at large. Arguably the most vibrant and dynamic event in NUS, FLAG 2023 aims to collect donations at 120 flagging locations and end off with the Receiving and Giving (RAG) live performances at NUS UTown on 12 August 2023 to thank everyone for their donations and supporting our fundraising efforts.

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