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Raffles Hall Emblem

The Double-Headed Phoenix

The Double-headed Phoenix has a twofold significance. Firstly, it serves as a symbol of renewed vigour. This meaning is derived from the mythological origins. The Phoenix is a mythical bird from the Grecian period fabled to have live for five or six hundred years in the Desert, after which it burns itself to ashes, only to be reborn to live for another five hundred years. This mythical figure symbolises the re-emergence of Raffles Hall from the merger of the original Raffles College and King Edward VII College, and embodies our determination to rise from the ashes. The Phoenix is coloured black to emphasise the determination and seriousness. The second head of the Phoenix represents the rich traditions of the Raffles Family (a line of respectable descent) from which we originate.

The Sword and the Crown

Upon the breast of the Double-headed Phoenix lies an augmentation which consists of a sword of honour, atop which sits an Eastern Crown. The sword of honour is a symbol of high regard awarded to a person, while the Eastern Crown used to be reserved for those of high rank who had served in British India or in the East. Fittingly, the colour of the augmentation is gold, which symbolises respect, virtue and majesty. This entire main charge is set upon an argent (white or silver) shield, which is associated with purity and innocence. Thus has Raffles Hall always forged her works from the purity of youth.

The Tiger

The Chief (the upper portion of the shield) houses the Tiger, a beast of boldness, courage and strength – some of the qualities which reflect the ideals of the Raffles Spirit. The Tiger is set against a background of red which symbolises an eagerness to serve the hall, the university, and the country.

Raffles Hall Pledge

Together for Raffles Hall,

we pledge to our undivided loyalty,

committing ourselves to the call of the Raffles Spirit,

deriving strength to steer this Hall

to greater heights of excellence.