

The NUS Student Life Awards is an annual event that recognises exceptional student organisations and students who have made noteworthy contributions to the University outside of their academia. Through this event, the Office of Student Affairs seeks to promote informal learning through students' participation in co-curricular activities, involvement in the arts, community service and student leadership. This year, the Awards celebrates the resilience and creativity of exceptional students and/or student organisations who had spent much of their NUS student life in the throes of COVID-19 and made significant contributions to the University outside of academia. Academic Year 2021/22 has proven to be a challenging year to create momentum in Student Life and students have stepped up and persevered to organise activities to engage the NUS community. From impactful campaigns to memorable experiences, there are commendable individuals and student organisations that made the Academic Year one for the Yearbook. Join us as we celebrate students' achievements and involvement in co-curricular activities.

Why Enter the Awards?

  • Showcase your best work and achievements to the entire NUS community
  • Be acknowledged of your Award at NUS Commencement
  • Receive cash prizes of up to $850
  • Receive NUS digital badge to be included in your LinkedIn profile and CV and gain recognition for your student organisation and/or yourself
  • List your Award achievement in your NUS Student Life transcript
  • Raise your student organisation’s profile to help recruit members
  • Celebrate your successes with your members