2nd Student Life Awards



The 2nd Student Life Awards was successfully held at University Cultural Centre (UCC) on 2 November with over 600 members and partners of the NUS community attending the ceremony. Congratulations to all our Award Recipients. 

Award Recipients


Campus Choice Award


[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 370 Group
NUS Women's Climbing Team
Sports Team of the Year (Individual Sports) Merit Award Recipient
The NUS Women's Climbing Team is not only the defending champion at the Inter-Schools Bouldering Championships (Varsity category) but also played an important role in the wider NUS community. The team led the Let’s boulder segment at the inaugural NUS Community Sports Carnival last year and also made time to organize a fun afternoon of climbing for about 20 children with autism.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 369 Individual
Jonathan Yeo
Leadership Distinction Award Recipient
Jonathan helped setup our NUS sailing programme in 2017. He captained our NUS Sailing Team in AY17/18 and AY18/19. Under his leadership, he secured an MOU for our NUS Sailing programme to be based at the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, a mere 15 minutes’ walk from NUS. Besides being an outstanding captain, Jonathan was also the coach to our NUS sailors. Respected for his leadership, coaching and sailing excellence, in the short span of 2 years, Jonathan has led and coached our NUS sailors to win many national competitions, surprising and surpassing many established sailing powerhouses. Under his leadership, our NUS sailing team has also introduced over 200 NUS students to sailing.


Campus Vibrancy Award


[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 352

NUS Inter-Faculty Games 2018/2019 by NUS Students Sports Club 

Participating Bodies:
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
School of Business
School of Computing
Faculty of Dentistry
School of Design and Environment
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Science
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Yale-NUS College
University Scholars Programme 

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 363

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 360
NUS Inter-Hall Games 2018/2019
Co-convening Halls: King Edward Hall VII & Temasek Hall
Participating Bodies:
Eusoff Hall
Kent Ridge Hall
King Edward VII Hall
Prince George's Park House
Raffles Hall
Sheares Hall
Temasek Hall 




Distinction Award Recipients

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 134

Chua Cheng Ling by NUS Students' Science Club
Faculty of Science

Cheng Ling stepped up to the challenge when he was just a freshman. His clarity in vision, direction and networking abilities successfully helped the club build more relationships with others and as a result, additional resources too. Science Club worked with various parties to particularly engage more international students in their various student life activities.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 142
Jonathan Yeo from NUS Sailing

Jonathan helped setup our NUS sailing programme in 2017. He captained our NUS Sailing Team in AY17/18 and AY18/19. Under his leadership, he secured an MOU for our NUS Sailing programme to be based at the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, a mere 15 minutes’ walk from NUS. Besides being an outstanding captain, Jonathan was also the coach to our NUS sailors. Respected for his leadership, coaching and sailing excellence, in the short span of 2 years, Jonathan has led and coached our NUS sailors to win many national competitions, surprising and surpassing many established sailing powerhouses. Under his leadership, our NUS sailing team has also introduced over 200 NUS students to sailing.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 150 Wang Lu from NUS Students' Engineering Club

Faculty of Engineering

As President of the NUS Students’ Engineering Club, Wang Lu led the development of internal competencies, spearheaded numerous new events, supervised outreach events and greatly improved engagement with engineering students. He also spearheaded the engagement of 60 Jalan Kukoh residents to talk to them about the transit from analogue to digital TV.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 138
Wang Kai Richard from NUSSU

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 

Under his leadership, Richard headed a 423-strong Freshmen Orientation Central Committee network to coordinate Freshmen Orientation Programme (FOP) guidelines and serve as a bridge between University Administration and student leaders. He was also one of the student representatives in the Review Panel for Sexual Misconduct.

Merit Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 132 Lee Qing Xi

from RunNUS 2018
School of Design & Environment

In support of NUS Disability Support Office, Qing Xi initiated a 3km Challenge category where Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs paired up with volunteers to complete the run and also encourage abled-persons to run blindfolded and guided by their family or friends.
RunNUS 2018 successfully raised $10,000 to support programs and initiatives by the NUS Disability Support Office. This is highest amount RunNUS has raised in the last 5 years.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 131

Ho Ding Heng from Project Sa'Bai

As Project Director, Ding Heng initiated the CARE program which engaged the Cambodian medical students to continue to check on patients after the health screening and also a referral system to local health providers. He placed emphasis on the continuity of healthcare checks beyond the usual bi-annual health screening that the project provides.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 133
Jeremy Lim Hao Shun

from NUSSU BizComm
School of Business


Under his leadership as Chairperson in AY18/19, Jeremy launched a review of all existing SOPs in NUSSU Bizcom and reached out to over 200 corporate partners and over 70 student events. His close collaboration with corporate partners had allowed events and welfare opportunities to be up-scaled for the NUS community.


Community Engagement


Distinction Award Recipients

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 333

by NUS Cultural Activities Club 
CAC+US (Luminous) is one of the largest mixed cultural performances in NUS. This concert showcases the talents of CAC’s 11 sub-clubs from traditional to modern performing arts.This year, CAC+US had the highest ticket sales in CAC+US history at 2,400. 

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 341

ClimbNUS 2019  ClimbNUS is a bouldering carnival intended for those with no or little climbing background. Organised by almost a 100 members of the NUS climbing community, the event this year attracted over 400 NUS participants.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (High Res) - 328

L.E.G.O Week 2019
by NUS Students' Science Club
L.E.G.O stands for Loving, Enrichment, Giving, Outreach and it brings together four service sub-committees in NUS Students’ Science Club. In a span of 6 days, over 400 staff and students participated in the efforts to raise awareness of fair treatment towards migrant workers.
Merit Award Recipients

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (High Res) - 326

Inclusive Festival 2019
by NUS Enablers
The second edition of the Inclusive Festival 2019 was targeted at the general NUS student population to raise awareness for the disability and special needs community through interactive games and awareness booths. This year, the team managed to reach out to a larger audience and participants were also taught how to interact and help people with special needs

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 325

NUANSA 2018: Tasasek

NUANSA 2018: Tasasek is an Indonesian cultural musical production about self-belief put together by 105 students from different nationalities. The production was held at Resorts World Sentosa Theatre and garnered about 700 watched the show. In addition, part of the proceeds from the show was channelled to the earthquake victims in Palu.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (High Res) - 327 SIGNapse
by SIGNapse
SIGNapse is a student group that organizes efforts aimed to bridge communication gaps and raise awareness about the deaf community. This all-year round effort named Project SIGNapse includes providing free sign language classes, song-signing performances and interpretation services for the Deaf at Public Health Service. In the last academic year, the project saw a total of 2,418 participants in their various activities.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 323
Eusoff Hall Drama and Dance
Production 18/19
by Eusoff Hall
Entirely led by students, the theme for Eusoff Hall’s production was mental health. Through the play, they hoped that more people become more open to engage in conversations regarding mental health and remove its social stigma. The event drew over 1,000 people in the audience. Their stellar performance earned the team an invitation to perform at the Esplanade.


Community Service


Distinction Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 310 Grant A Wish XVI (GAW XVI)
by NUS Students' Community Service Club 

Grant A Wish XVI granted 189 wishes from 2 groups of beneficiaries, the underprivileged senior citizens and children. The new initiative of the project involved the two groups making the gift for the other party, empowering them with the notion that recipients too can also give to others.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 301 Operation Orion 2018
by NUS Civil Engineering Club

The members of Operation Orion made a significant impact on the lives of over 5,000 villagers in Philippines by constructing a hydraulic ram pump system and reservoir tank providing easy access to water sources for irrigation of crops hence eliminating crop failure and increasing the annual income of the locals.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 316 Public Health Service 2018
by NUS Medical Society

As a preventive health project, the Public Health Service was aimed at promoting health awareness through annual health screenings and educational programmes. The team provided 867 free health screenings, follow-ups and provided door-to-door health education to over 33,000 households in Yuhua, Bukit Batok and Jurong Central.

Merit Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 299 Project C.A.N. XVI
by NUS Students' Community Service Club

Project C.A.N XVI collaborated with 14,000 households as well as shoppers at NTUC AMK Hub for food collection to distribute food and daily necessities to 401 low income households in Teck Ghee. This year, they also organised a session where approximated 70 beneficiaries and volunteers interacted through games and handicraft activities.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 300  Project R.I.C.E.+
by Red Cross Youth (NUS Chapter)

Project R.I.C.E+ is an annual nationwide project under the SG Red Cross Youth Chapter that raises awareness for food insecurity in Singapore and to aid underprivileged families by distributing food items and other daily necessities. In total, the project successfully raised $371,850, benefitting over 30,000 beneficiaries island wide.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 297

Project Sa'Bai
by NUS Medical Society 

In 2018, Project Sa’Bai served a total of 2970 patients having conducted a total of 6 village and school clinics in Phnom Penh and Kampong Speu Provinces. A key pillar of their project involved raising awareness and encouraging a more healthy lifestyle in the community.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 295
Project DOVE (Duke-NUS Overseas Volunteering Expedition)
byDuke-NUS Medical School
Since 2010, Project DOVE provided sustainable medical care and health education to underserved communities in Southeast Asia. Collaborating closely with local doctors and partners to conduct mobile clinics and health education, the team successfully reached to 1,010 patients in Quang Tri, Vietnam. As part of their health education, the team also built a toilet in a preschool to promote hygiene to young children.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 296 Thoo Kool 4 Skool
by Temasek Hall
The team embarked on an environmental project which involved reforestation and building new enclosures for local wildlife in North Sumatra. They planted a total of 3000 saplings and built 2 new enclosures for rescued gibbons.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 298
YEP Project Meraki
by Food Science and Technology Society 

This inaugural project allowed students to share their food science-based knowledge to equip farmers in Laos with skills to increase desirability and shelf-life of products. This allowed for such products to be sold in bigger supermarkets. They also looked at conversion of food waste generated from unsold crops in local markets into useful, marketable products.


Competition (Non-Sports)


Distinction Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 167

Sashimi Team in National Maritime Case Competition
by NUS Faculty of Engineering

The National Maritime Case Competition is an annual local tertiary competition that challenges students to identify digitalisation opportunities for the maritime industry and suggest innovative solutions to existing problems. This is the first time that the team was put together and beat 43 other teams to emerge as champions. They were also invited to share their ideas at the Singapore Maritime Dialogue 2019.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 181

NUS Team in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) International Arbitration Moot
by NUS Faculty of Law

The foreign direct investment international arbitration moot competition is an annual competition simulating an investor-state international arbitration and is the most prestigious moot in international investment law. The team did not only win the Overall Champion but won top awards in all 7 categories including 3 of their members emerging top 7 Best Overall Oral Advocates. 
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 175

NUS Team in I-CAST (International Case Study Competition) 2019
by NUS Faculty of Engineering

The International Case Study Competition or known as I-CAST is a competition that focuses on the analysis and proposition of best solutions of a case related to the chemical industry and energy sector. Teams are required to formulate an Abstract, full paper and a presentation over 4 months based on this year’s theme “Alternative Feedstock for Future Petrochemical Industry Sustainability”. Two NUS teams were shortlisted for the Grandfinals held in Indonesia and Team 1 which proposed microalgae as a solution to the issue came in 2ndagainst 34 other teams.
Merit Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 160

NUS Team in International Air and Space Law Academy (IASLA) Space Law Moot Court Competition - Asia Pacific Regional Round
by NUS Faculty of Law

This Asia pacific regional round was a mooting competition on the topic of international space law and teams are graded on both written submissions and oral submissions over 6 distinct issues. Out of 8 teams, our team of NUS students placed first and team member Kay Han was also awarded Overall Best Advocate for oral submissions.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 165

NUS Team in Shan Hai Cup International Chinese Debate Invitational Competition
by NUS Chinese Debate Team

The Shan Hai Cup International Chinese Debate invitational Competition is a competition participated by many top universities around the globe including Tsinghua University and University of Edinburg. This is the 14thinternational championship that the NUS Chinese Debate Team had participated. Out of the 16 competing teams, the NUS team claimed the champion title and student Wang Zhao Lin was awarded Best Debater of the competition.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 161

NUS Team 44 in Asian Law Students' Association (ALSA) International Moot Court Competition 2018
by NUS Faculty of Law

The Asian Law Student’s Association International Moot Court competition is an annual mooting competition that simulates an investor-state dispute and held in accordance with the rules of the permanent court of arbitration. Teams were graded on both written and oral submissions over 6 different issues. This team made up of all freshmen making their debut in an international moot, beat 20 other teams to emerge as champions.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 163

Stetson Ugani Team in the Southeast Asian Regional Rounds (“SEARR”) of the 23rd Stetson International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition (“Stetson”).
by NUS Faculty of Law

 The Southeast Asian Regional Rounds (SEARR) of the 23rdStetson international Environmental Law Moot Court Competition is a competition that focuses on international environmental law and global environmental challenges. Out of 14 competing teams, Team Stetson Ugani emerged as Overall champions – a first for NUS and qualified for the International competition in April 2019.
Image Unavailable

Team Eutopia in INTA Asia-Pacific Moot Court Competition
by NUS Faculty of Law

The International Trademark Association Asia Pacific Moot Court competition is a competition that introduces law students to important issues arising in trademark law and unfair competition law in the region. Out of 23 competing teams, the team emerged victorious, placing first 1stwith the Best Oral Argument and Best Brief. 


Competition (Sports)


Sports Team of the Year (Events)
Distinction Award Recipient
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 191

K2 Women Pair
Tan Xiao Wei & Nurul Hannahfrom NUS Canoeing

The NUS Canoeing Women K2 Pair Team took part in 4 events in AY1819 both locally and regionally. They successfully finished top 3 in all their races.

Besides training commitments, the pair were also activelyinvolved in community service such as being part of the residents' centre for neighbourhood serving residents and weekly heartland mentoring program.

 Merit Award Recipients  
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 186 Swimming Women Relays Team
Lim Jia Enn, Xenia Chan, Melissa Chan, Marina Chan, Chantal Liew and Michelle Leefrom NUS Swimming
The NUS Swimming Women’s Freestyle and Medley relay team had been dominant in the past year, clinching 2 Golds at the Singapore University Games and 3 Golds 1 Silver in the Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic Games 2019.

They also volunteered their time every week at the Special Olympics Swim programme as coaches.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 190 Track & Field 4x400m Women Relay Team
Ong Jia Ling, Kathleen Lin, Celeste Goh and Gladys Ang from NUS Track & Field
The Women's 4 x 400m Relay Team overpowered the field in both the Singapore Athletics Interclub Championships 2018 and Institute-Varsity Polytechnic Games 2019, finishing a whopping 8 seconds clear of the second team in both events.

The team also had volunteered their time with CareHut@New Town, teaching values to the kids through games and activities as part of their community service project.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 187

Air Pistol Women Triples

Natalie Khor, Tai Weiyi Marina and Phaedra Tan from NUS Shooting

The NUS Women Air Pistol Triples Team came in 1stfor both the NUS andNTU Invitational Shoot (NIS) – an annual tertiary tournament participated by all institutions.

Not only sharp shooters, the trio also participated in the NUS Shooting Team’s community project to share their sport with children from the Calvary Community Care programme

Sports Team of the Year (Team Sports)
Distinction Award Recipient
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 202
NUS Basketball Men's Team The NUS Basketball Men’s Team had been consistent performers in the tertiary scene, as Champions for Singapore University Games 2018 and NYSI Institute of Higher Learning Basketball League 2019, and 2ndin the Institute Varsity Polytechnic Games 2019.

The team also contributed to the wider community by partnering Trybe (a non-profit organization) to impart basketball skills and values of discipline and sportsmanship to boys from the Singapore Boys’ Hostel.

Merit Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (High Res) - 200
NUS Netball Team The NUS Netball team had consistently defended their championship title for 3 years at the Singapore University Games and Institute-Varsity Polytechnic Games since 2016.
The team also volunteered their time to support our student organized community building events, such as Netballuxion and Inter-Faculty Games, as netball umpires.
Beyond sporting achievements, the team also organized archery try outs for Choa Chu Kang Youth Executive Committee (CCKYEC), which provided underprivileged families to experience the sport, as part of their commitment to give back to the community
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 197 NUS Handball Men's Team

The NUS Handball Men’s Team had maintained their status as the top tertiary team and continues to shine at the Singapore University Games and the Handball Federation of Singapore (HFS) Tertiary Invitationals.

The team was also involved in several community building efforts through a series of Sports & Wellness roadshows across the campus. They also participated in a year-long community project to bring holistic education to children from challenging communities through the sport of Handball.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 199
NUS Dragonboat Women's Team The NUS Dragon Boat Women’s Team took part in numerous competitions in the last academic year – both locally and regionally and clinched a total of 3 Golds and 2 Silvers for all their races.

Outside of training, the team also took time to volunteer for a community involvement program at Yishun Community Hospital organizing fun filled activities for patients.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 198
NUS Handball Women's Team The NUS Handball Women’s Team is the top tertiary team and have recently also emerged as defending Champions in the latest Singapore University Games.

Together with the Men’s team, Handball Women was also involved in several community building efforts through campus-wide sports and wellness roadshows. The team also participated in a year-long community project to bring holistic education to kids from challenging communities through the sport of Handball.


Sports Team of the Year (Individual Sports)
Distinction Award Recipient
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 212
NUS Shooting Team Our NUS Shooting Team continually strive for excellence through the competitions they participate in which include tertiary and open competitions such as the NUS Invitational Shoot (NUSIS) and NTU Invitational Shoot (NIS).
Besides sporting achievements, the NUS Shooting Team set aside time to give back to the community. This year, they organized a fun shoot to introduce shooting to children from the Calvary Community Care programme.
Merit Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 209
NUS Archery Team The NUS Archery team defended their championship titles at both tertiary tournaments, namely the NTU Institutional Archery Championships and NUS Archery Indoor Championships Institutional Challenge this year.
Beyond sporting achievements, the team also organized archery try outs for Choa Chu Kang Youth Executive Committee (CCKYEC), which provided underprivileged families to experience the sport, as part of their commitment to give back to the community.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 210
NUS Climbing Women's Team The NUS Women's Climbing Team is not only the defending champion at the Inter-Schools Bouldering Championships (Varsity category) but also played an important role in the wider NUS community. The team led the Let’s boulder segment at the inaugural NUS Community Sports Carnival last year and also made time to organize a fun afternoon of climbing for about 20 children with autism.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 186
NUS Swimming Women's Team The NUS Women's Swimming Team clinched the Singapore University Games 2018 championship in convincing fashion by garnering a total of 7 Golds, 5 Silvers and 4 Bronzes, successfully defending their title.

They made it a double by coming out tops for the 2ndyear running at the Institute-Varsity Polytechnic Games 2019, despite a strong challenge from other institutions.

Not only excellent swimmers, the team also coached Special Olympics swimmers every week as part of their community service efforts.
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 211  NUS Table Tennis Women's Team  The NUS Table Tennis Women’s Team is the defending Champion in both Singapore University Games and Institute Varsity Polytechnic Games.

They haveworked hard to give their all, and have shown true grit, resilience and tenacity



Sportswoman of the Year
Distinction Award Recipient
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 228 Vanessa Lee
from NUS Track & Field, NUS Cross Country
Faculty of Engineering
Vanessa led the Women’s Cross Country team to victory in the Singapore University Games 2018 by finishing 1stoverall. In the Institute-Varsity Polytechnic Games 2019, she won 3 Gold medals and even broke her own record in the Women’s 5,000m event.

At the ASEAN University Games 2018 in Myanmar, Vanessa did the Singapore team proud by winning a Silver in the 3,000m Steeplechase and a Bronze in the 5,000m race.

Together with the Cross Country team, she assisted at RunNUS as one of the pacers during the annual running event.
Merit Award Recipients
Image Unavailable Chantal Liew Li-Shan
from NUS Swimming
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Chantal has the most number of swimming medals in NUS, with 13 Gold medals from the Singapore University Games and Institute-Varsity Polytechnic Games. She was also selected to represent Singapore University in the World University Games 2019, where she was part of the 4x100m Freestyle relay team which finished 8th in the finals.

Apart from sports, she was part of a fundraising project for expecting mothers in the Philippines. Called Project M, the students made products to be sold as well as collected donated medical supplies.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 227 Chiew Wenqi
from NUS Taekwondo
Wenqi is an all rounded athlete who represented NUS in both Taekwondo and Football. At the NTU Taekwondo Open Championships, an annual open competition, her team emerged champion in the team category for artistic routine and she also placed silver in the sparring component. She was also a key goalkeeper in the NUS Football Women Team for all the tertiary competitions.

As a final year medical student, Wenqi was juggling schoolwork, trainings as well as time to volunteer for the less fortunate.

Sportsman of the Year
Distinction Award Recipient
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 223 Johrathon Cheok
from NUS Basketball
School of Business
Johrathon was not only the NUS captain but also selected as captain of the Singapore University team at the ASEAN University Games 2018 in Myanmar.

He was a key player of the NUS team and exemplified positive values of our Basketball Team.

Johrathon also coordinated the community program to impart basketball skills and values of sport to the younger ones at the Singapore Boys’ Hostel.

Recently, Johrathon had also been awarded the NUS Sports Scholarship for his outstanding sports and academic achievements.

Merit Award Recipients
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 221 Christopher Cheong
from NUS Swimming
School of Business
Christopher won all his events in the Singapore University Games 2018, winning 4 Golds. In the Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic Games 2019, he broke the Men’s 50m Breaststroke record with a time of 29.40s, en route to winning 2 Golds and 2 Silvers.

Christopher was only one of the swim coaches for the Special Olympics swim programme that the NUS team volunteers their time with. His leadership skills shone through as he was elected as the Captain for this academic year by his team.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 220 Loo Jian Wei, Raymond
from NUS Basketball
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
During his term as captain of the NUS Basketball Team, the team achieved silver at the NYSI League, Singapore University Games and at the Institute-Varsity Polytechnic Games.

A humble and hardworking player, he led by example and an inspiration to his team mates.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 222 Matthew Scott Lau Wen Jiang
from NUS Sailing
Scott is an outstanding sailor representing NUS in numerous competitions including emerging as champions in the 2019 DBS National Tertiary Match Race. He was also selected to represent Singapore at the recent 2019 Summer Universiade, the second largest games after the Olympics, where he led the Singapore team to win a bronze medal amidst very strong competition from 16 nations.

Besides excelling in sailing, Scott also helped to coach our NUS competitive as well as beginner sailors. An impressive sportsman and leader, Scott was elected to be the NUS Sailing Captain for this year.

[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 219 Teo Kee Chong
from NUS Handball
Faculty of Engineering
Kee Chong is currently the National Team vice-captain and has been selected to represent Singapore in Beach Handball at the 2019 South East Asian Games at the end of the year.
Kee Chong is a key player in the NUS team and his peers look up to him as a role model.

NUS President Sports Team Award
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 236
NUS Track and Field The NUS Track & Field team has been a class of their own in the Institute-Varsity Polytechnic Games, sweeping the Men’s, Women’s and Overall title for 5 consecutive years. Astonishingly, they have been the overall champions for 18 of the last 19 editions of IVP.

Since the revival of the Singapore Athletics Interclub Championships back in 2015, the NUS Track & Field team has won every edition, cementing themselves as not only the best tertiary team, but the best athletics club in Singapore.

Off the track, the team partnered the Care Community Services Society to organise a games day for kids at Carehut@New Town, a school based student care centre, where the activities were carefully planned to inculcate values such as integrity, resilience and teamwork.
NUS President Sports Individual Award
[2019.11.02] - NUS OSA 2nd Student Life Awards (Low Res) - 244 Jasmine Goh from NUS Handball,Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Jasmine is an athlete who demonstrated the indomitable spirit. In her final year, she was captain of the NUS Handball team that led the team to reclaim the Tertiary Invitational title and champion at the Singapore University Games.
Besides her sporting achievements, Jasmine rallied for her fellow teammates to also contribute back to the community through teaching handball to children in a year-long community project. Jasmine was also a key student facilitator at NUS Summit – a leadership camp for varsity sports leaders.