Campus Choice

Recipients of the Campus Choice Award are voted by the NUS community

Staff Advisor Recognition Award

The Staff Advisor category seeks to recognise individuals who have demonstrated commitment to support the growth and development of the student organisation they were advising. The Staff Advisor must be nominated by the Exco of the student organisation.

Dr Shobha Avadhani
NUS Comedy Club

Shobha Avadhani has played a pivotal role in shaping the NUS Comedy Club. It is with her caring guidance and thoughtful personality that the Club has become a student organisation that is not only fun and engaging, but also purposeful and meaningful for students. She advises the Club to set meaningful and realistic goals that not only contribute holistically to the educational and personal development of its members, but also to the Club's strategic growth as a popular CCA among students in NUS. Shobha has demonstrated an unwavering commitment in her support of the Club's continued growth and development.

Dr Helen Chai
NUS Students' Business Club

Helen Chai has always been seen as Bizad Club's mother as she is extremely supportive of the student leaders and is also very nurturing to all of them. She created a safe space for the leaders by allowing them to make mistakes and grow as leaders. Whenever the student leaders face difficult situations, Dr. Helen is always there to keep them calm and give them close guidance as they maneuver their way through the challenging situations. Helen is truly one of the important pillars of NUS Business School's undergraduate student life.