About Us


The NUS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) was set up on 12 November 2004 to oversee the care and use of animals for scientific purposes in NUS. Members of the IACUC are appointed through the Institutional Official and include veterinarians, scientists, non-scientists and members of the community who are not affiliated to NUS. Since 2010, NUS has been an AAALAC-accredited institution demonstrating our commitment to responsible animal research and good science.

The mission of the IACUC is to achieve the best practice by international standards of animal ethics in all animal care and use programmes in NUS. Towards this goal, the IACUC:

  • Evaluates animal use for scientific purposes. This includes research, teaching, field trials, environmental and behavioural studies, diagnosis, product testing and the production of biological materials, through the review of animal use protocols;
  • Ensures that the use of animals is carried out in accordance with the approved animal use protocol through regular post-approval monitoring visits of animal use facilities.
  • Ensures that the housing and care of animals are provided in accordance with the National Advisory Committee for laboratory Animal Research (NACLAR) Guidelines (Guidelines on the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) in premises licensed by the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS), the regulatory body of the Singapore Animals and Birds Act;
  • Ensures that the personnel involved in care and use of animals are suitably qualified and trained, through the training programme administered by Comparative Medicine (CM);
  • Liaises with the Office of Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) on occupational safety and health programme in animal care and use protocols;
  • Liaises with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) on the ethical use of human tissues in animal use protocols; and
  • Conducts annual inspection of animal housing and use facilities and semi-annual review of animal care and use programmes