The IACUC is made up of the following memberships: veterinarians, scientists, non-scientist and non-affiliated residents of the community.
The functions and responsibilities of IACUC, in accordance with the NACLAR Guidelines, are to
- Review, at least once every 6 months, the NUS animal care and use programme,
- Inspect, at least once annually, the Housing and Research Facilities,
- Prepare reports of its evaluation and to submit the same directly to the Institutional Official (IO),
- Determine the best means of conducting an evaluation of the care and use of animals,
- Invite adhoc consultants to assist in conducting the evaluation, but IACUC remains responsible for the evaluation and report,
- Review and approve, or reject proposals for Projects involving the use of animals, including proposals to significantly change the care and use of animals involved in on-going Projects,
- Formally withdraw approval for any on-going Project or to suspend it if the IACUC determines that the Project is not being conducted in accordance with the description provided by the Investigator and approved by the IACUC,
- Make recommendations to the IO regarding any aspects of the programmes, facilities, or personnel training at the Housing and Research Facilities,
- Review and investigate concerns involving the care and use of animals including public complaints or reports of non-compliance from Staff or Investigators,
- Authorise the treatment or humane killing of any animal,
- Maintain a register of Approved Projects,
- Review, at least annually, the approved Projects of long duration,
- Perform all other duties required by the Guiding Principles on care and use of animals.