Concur1 (1140x631)
From left: Co-project directors Li Ping (NUS IT) and Jude (OFN), with project change management lead Royston (OETU)
Jude Ang
Deputy Director
Office of Finance
Ong Li Ping
Associate Director

All aboard on NUS Concur!

The launch of NUS Concur in August 2020 marked another milestone in the University’s journey towards a best-in-class administration. The new system for expense claims as well as travel claims and bookings, Concur is mobile-friendly and incorporates reporting features to enhance user experience – view the Let’s Concur! video here.

Other key attributes of Concur include auto-approvals for claims that are $100 and below, and charges that can be made to different accounts. Jude Ang, Deputy Director at Office of Finance shared that the system’s built-in business rules, checking capabilities, claims records and post-audit checks provide security against unauthorised claim submissions. “The approval process for claims has also been reduced from 14 to five days,” added Jude.

To garner support for Concur, the project team held engagement sessions for various users such as researchers, academics and finance support staff across the University. Ong Li Ping, Associate Director from NUS IT noted that it was helpful to understand the issues and challenges of different user groups, particularly how they might benefit from the new system. “We are heartened to gain the support of faculties and departments who were receptive to using Concur,” Li Ping said, and shared that the team will continue staff engagement via Skype, Microsoft Teams and email groups.  

Royston Chiew, Senior Manager at the Organisational Excellence Transformation Unit observed that close collaboration with senior management at faculties and departments enabled the team to maintain good communication with staff using Concur. “We also worked with finance business partners and invited key users, one of whom is Associate Professor Rudi Stouffs from the School of Design and Environment, to share his Concur experience during the launch event,” said Royston. He added that Concur staff ambassadors were also appointed to provide feedback on the system.

Concur adds to the list of key systems such as CHRS (cloud HR system) and FS2 (finance resource planning enterprise system) for integration, which enhances the University’s digital enablement and provides new ways of working for staff.

Concur2 (resized)

The Concur project team comprised cross-functional team members who collaborated closely for a successful system roll-out 

Organisational Excellence is a strategic initiative undertaken by the University to develop best practices for an efficient and world-class administration to better support NUS’ Vision and Mission. It aims to bring about improved work processes and policies as well as create opportunities for talent development and growth.

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