IAAS VMock Final

Empowering Student Success in Career Development using Digital Tools

In response to the evolving landscape of the job market, the NUS Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) has recognized the need for agile and technology-driven solutions.

The workforce landscape has witnessed significant shifts, including the widespread integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruitment processes and the rise of remote video interviews. Moreover, employers now seek versatile skill sets that transcend traditional fields of study, demanding that students broaden their expertise beyond their degree disciplines.

With these trends in mind, CFG has a career-readiness roadmap that charts the diverse resources students can utilise and the activities they should be doing, so that by the time they graduate, they have the right kind of experience and skills. Here, we highlight two digital tools that play a pivotal role:

1. Internship-As-A-Service (IAAS): Redefining Internship Opportunities

IAAS breaks the barriers of traditional internships by creating a two-sided gigs marketplace, enabling all students to apply to work on short-stint paid projects throughout the academic year with companies worldwide. Students can determine the duration of these projects and can embark on them whether during vacation or term time. With IAAS, students can even take on projects outside their discipline of study, building their interdisciplinary skillsets and preparing themselves for diverse career pathways.

Liew Wei Jie, Head of Product Management at CFG and IAAS Project Lead, shares, "Leading efforts for IAAS has been an enriching experience. We are encouraged to see how technology can enhance the landscape of career development, creating new opportunities for students and employers. Encouraged by the positive response, the team is now expanding efforts to explore a unified internships platform. "

Collaboration played a vital role in IAAS's success. The project team worked closely with various NUS teams, such as PVO, NUS IT, NUS Enterprise, and different faculties and schools. Their inputs contributed to the platform's refinement and ensured its alignment with the diverse needs of the NUS community.

IAAS Testimonials from students and employers

2. VMock: Elevating Resume and Interview Preparation

VMock is a 24/7 virtual career assistant that utilises AI to deliver instant and smart feedback to students on their resume and interview skills. This tool addresses the changing recruitment landscape, where AI is expected to play an increasing role in the job search, application, and interview process.

Prior to using VMock, Career Advisors at CFG had to manually review students’ resumes for career courses like Career Catalyst as well as resume critique sessions. With VMock, students can get instant feedback on the language and impact of their resumes and then follow up for more in-depth and industry-specific advice via consultations with their Careers Advisors. To date, more than 25,000 students have accessed the VMock Resume Feedback Tool.

A screenshot of the VMock Resume Feedback Tool

Recognising the growing prevalence of remote video interviews, the VMock Interviews Tool was also introduced to allow students to practice and get direct feedback on video interview responses, body language, eye contact, and time constraints. To date, more than 11,000 students across faculties have utilised this tool.  

With VMock, students have the opportunity to hone various soft skills, for instance self-awareness and communication, that are critical to job search, application and even workplace success. They are thus empowered to navigate the transforming job search and application landscape confidently.

A screenshot of the VMock Interview Tool

To ensure IAAS and Vmock platforms cater to the diverse needs of potential users and the real-world needs, the project teams actively seek feedback from stakeholders, including students, employers, and colleagues. These valuable insights have guided the development process, shaping the platforms to meet specific requirements and expectations. Understanding the importance of awareness and user buy-in for the successful adoption of the platforms, the team also put in place training programmes, comprehensive user guides, as well as outreach campaigns.

The IAAS and Vmock platforms mark a significant milestone in the digitalisation of career services at NUS, demonstrating the university's dedication to innovation and excellence. By leveraging technology, CFG is creating new opportunities for students, enhancing collaboration among stakeholders, and strengthening the connection between learning and the workplace.

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