NUS Alumni Sing-Along

12 February

2017 was an exciting year for the NUS Alumni Sing-Along (ASA) members, which ended with interesting events and joyous celebrations. On 2 December 2017, ASA members opened the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) Christmas Light Up event with Christmas carols, engaging the audience in the singing. This was closely followed by a sing-along session on 4 December at All Saints’ Home, Tampines, coorganised by NUS ASA and ‘I’m Soul Inc’ where ASA Committee Advisor, Mrs Carmee Lim (Science ’68) is the Chairperson. 15 members sang at the Home and brought Christmas cheer to the residents as well as day care clients.

The group closed the year with a joyous Christmas celebration on 11 December with special items performed by members, games and of course, a sumptuous buffet comprising Christmas fare.

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