NUS Alumni Toronto Chapter

09 December

The NUS Alumni Toronto Chapter gathered for dinner on 9 December 2017 to thank out-going Chairperson Dr Toh See Kiat (Law ’82) for serving a wonderful five-year term, and to welcome new Chairperson Mr Tejas Aivalli (Public Policy ’11).

During his tenure, Dr Toh had demonstrated strong leadership skills and, with the support of his wife Dorothy, brought alumni in Toronto together by organising numerous events and networking platforms. Dr Toh is well known for his humorous speeches, and his sincerity. “Dr Toh has a knack for remembering the names of people, even those whom he meets infrequently. When my husband and I attended the first few Chapter’s events, Dr Toh never failed to surprise me by remembering my name and my profession, even though there were many people at those events. It gives me the sense that he takes a genuine interest in the people he meets,” said Ms Jean Lian (Arts and Social Sciences ’97), the Chapter’s new Vice Chairperson.

New Chairperson Mr Aivalli had been the Chapter’s Vice Chairperson since its inception, and had worked alongside Dr Toh to build up the Chapter. Mr Aivalli has plans to attract more and younger members by increasing the Chapter’s social media presence. The Chapter held its first event in 2018 with the Honorary Consul-General of Singapore to Canada. Activities in the pipeline include a summer picnic, a fall event and the traditional year-end dinner.

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