First Wedding at UTown

19 May

The lush green lawns and the smooth flowing architectural lines of University Town (UTown) have served countless wedding photoshoots as a scenic backdrop, but never has it been the site of an actual wedding. On 19 May — the same day as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s union —Mr James Hii (Engineering + USP ’16) and Ms Vanessa Loh (Arts and Social Sciences ’12) held their wedding lunch in the vibrant yet serene setting of UTown, at the dining hall of Cinnamon College (USP).

Mr Hii spent a large part of his university life in Cinnamon College (USP) and UTown, and hence, Ms Loh too became a regular visitor. When deciding on their wedding venue, USP dining hall was a natural, if not unusual, choice as Mr Hii has many fond memories of the place during his undergraduate days. Guests at the wedding included USP friends, professors and admin staff.

Mr Hii, a full-time photographer, had recently concluded a major project for USP as part of their rebranding – the large photo collage pillar outside USP lobby was adorned with pictures he had recently shot. “It’s so nice to hold our special day here. As I walked in, I saw the lobby, the walls and all the posters on it, and it’s so nice to see James’s work everywhere. Thanks to everyone who made this possible,” Ms Loh said during her speech.

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