NUS Entrepreneurial Village

07 April

The NUS Entrepreneurial Village was established to nurture an active and engaged entrepreneurial NUS community.

The Village creates a platform for both entrepreneurs and mentors. Alumni and student entrepreneurs get access to illustrious mentors for funding, advice and business partnerships; and mentors get to learn about frontier businesses from young entrepreneurs and start-ups, as well as to nurture NUS “juniors” and invest in those with potential.

A highly successful pitching-cum- networking event was held on 7 April, where 11 start-ups from diverse industries ranging from F&B, Events, Healthcare and Human Resource were invited to pitch. One of them even dialled in from California while on the NUS Overseas Colleges programme.

Mr Tong Hsien Hui (Engineering ’98), Deputy Head of Investments at SGInnovate; Mr Wong Sang Wuoh, Associate Director at NUS Enterprise; Mr Yeo Keng Joon (MBA ’85), Managing Partner of Global Biotech Singapore; Mr Edward Ta (Business ’87), Director of Cargill Asia Pacific; and Mr Zhao Dexin (Engineering ’14), Chairman of the SAFRA Entrepreneur’s Club were among those who attended the event as mentors.

The event gave start-ups the opportunity to connect with mentors, who were generous in providing feedback, and were willing to follow-up with the start-ups.

Ms Kat Neo (Science ’07), Co-Founder of Timeliss, shared, “This is a great initiative by NUS Entrepreneurial Village. It is a good start because in the US, having start-ups pitch to alumni really help to jump-start funding rounds. Not just to hone our pitching skills, but also build up on our relationships with alumni whom we could learn from. I would certainly look forward to going through this journey again.”

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