NOC Alumni CNY Reunion 2023

01 February

The NUS Overseas Colleges Alumni community recently held its annual Chinese New Year reunion gathering on 1 February 2023, the 11th day of the Chinese lunar calendar, at BLOCK71. As Singapore’s first and currently largest startup ecosystem, BLOCK71 holds a special place in the hearts of many of our alumni who took their first steps into entrepreneurship here.

About 146 alumni attended the Chinese New Year reunion gathering, representing different batches and colleges, including those from the NOC Silicon Valley, Stockholm, Beijing and Southeast Asia programme. The event also saw the attendance of the current Vice Provost (Technology-Enhanced and Experiential Learning) and Director of the NUS Overseas Colleges programme, Professor Chee Yeow Meng.

In kicking off the evening, Professor Chee shared his experiences on the past year and wished everyone a prosperous new year. Afterwards, everyone gathered to engage in the colourful and joyful tradition of Lohei, exchanging meaningful well-wishes to welcome greater abundance and prosperity in the coming year. At the end of the evening, our alumni had a simple dinner and networking session, where some were able to reconnect and catch up with each other, while others got to meet new peers.

Submitted by Ms Inez Yong (Arts and Social Sciences ’22)

  • Others - NUS Overseas Colleges
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