Issue 113 | Apr-Jun 2018

NUS Campus Couples Valentine's Dinner

Acts of giving inspired by love.



Prof Tan (3rd from right) accepting a cheque from Mr Yeo (3rd from left), with (from left) Ms Sarah Ong, Chairperson, NUS Campus Couples Alumni Group; Mr Johnny Tan, ASAC Chairman; Mr Kevin Ong, Director, NUS Development Office; and Mr Bernard Toh, Director, NUS Alumni Relations.



The third NUS Campus Couples Valentine's Dinner was held on 13 February. Jointly organised by the NUS Campus Couples Alumni Group, NUS Alumni Relations and NUS Development Office, the event brought more than100 NUS alumni couples back to campus to celebrate their love and marriage.

To make the celebration more meaningful, the event also raised funds in support of the NUS Campus Couples Bursary Fund, initiated by Mr Yeo Keng Joon (MBA ’85), member of the NUS Alumni Students’ Advancement Committee (ASAC). Since the Bursary’s inception in 2015, more than $750,000 has been raised and 34 financially-disadvantaged NUS students have benefited. The generosity of NUS couples has raised about $226,000 this year.

NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye (Science ’85) said he was heartened by the couples’ support for financially-needy students. “Initiatives such as the NUS Campus Couples Bursary Fund help to boost the University’s ongoing efforts at enabling more of our talented and deserving students to reach their fullest potential,” said Prof Tan. He hoped that such efforts would inspire more alumni to give back to their alma mater.

Prof Tan, one of the pioneer donors to the bursary fund, with his wife, Ms Ng Lo Mun (Science ‘85) at the dinner.
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