Issue 114 | Jul-Sep 2018

Scaling Greater Heights

Mr Muhammad Muzaffar, 31

Mr Muhammad Muzaffar, 31, a Staff Sergeant with the Singapore Prison Service (SPS), may be taking longer than most to get a degree, but that has not stopped him in his journey towards skills mastery.

Mr Muhuammad Muzzafar  Year 2 student with the Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) programme at NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE)

You’ve been with SPS for six years. Why did you decide to take up a four-year part-time degree course at this juncture of your career?

I want to upgrade and challenge myself to achieve the impossible. I also want to be a role model for my children and for those thinking of pursuing higher education but need to start from the ground up — like me. I took the National Institute of Technical Education Certificate (NITEC), then Higher NITEC, before moving on to a polytechnic diploma and now a university degree.

How will this course benefit your work?

What I learn does not quite relate to my current work but I’m looking ahead in my career. Upon graduation, I plan to apply for a role within SPS that requires a background in Mechanical Engineering, such as corporate services or infrastructure development building (IDB).

How do you juggle between study, work and family?

It is not easy to get back to studying especially if you had left school for a number of years and need to kick-start the momentum again. I am fortunate to have supportive supervisors, classmates and family. Sometimes, due to work and family commitments, I have had to miss lectures. But I make sure to watch the webcast (selected modules are recorded for online viewing) and squeeze in time at home for study. There will be setbacks along the way but do not be disheartened. Your effort will be worth it.

Those interested in part-time degree programmes designed for working polytechnic graduates, find out more at

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