NUS Economics Alumni's First Virtual Networking Event

13 May

“Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.” - Michael Jordan.

The NUS Economics Alumni did just that during the COVID-19 circuit breaker period by holding their first Virtual Networking Event on the evening of 13 May. This was a milestone as it was the group's first virtual event since its inception 13 years ago. Instead of waiting for a better time to host a physical event, they decided to run a Zoom-networking event.

It was a great turnout of 30 people with Prof Satoru Takahashi, Head of the NUS Department of Economics joining too. For a majority of attendees, it was their 1st time networking online!

There was a good mix of alumni from the 1980s to those who graduated more recently, and some even called in from Shanghai and Tokyo. The alumni were from a diverse of industries, ranging from Finance, Recovery Services, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Facebook, ByteDance (Tik Tok) to Law Services, Consulting, and Government Services, showing how Economics graduates are able to make their mark in a myriad of fields. They also conducted a poll that night, which revealed that the common goal among attendees was to strengthen their connections to other Economics alumni.

Many attendees sang praises of the event:

“It was great meeting Economics Alumni members and Faculty too. Looking forward to more of such events!” - Vikrum Trehan ('04)

“Fully enjoyed the networking sessions organised by the NUS Economics Alumni group. It was my first time attending the session via Zoom during the COVID-19 period and I'd say it was very well organised!” - KC Ho ('12)

“Thanks to the committee who made it possible to connect with Economics graduates of different age groups, from peers to mentors and industry veterans. Looking forward to the next meeting; hopefully in a physical setting post-Covid-19.” Evan Loh ('19)

"It was great to connect, and reconnect, with fellow Economics alumni virtually in these times!" - Naomi Tay ('13)

The NUS Economics Alumni Committee was happy to see such a successful experience for their first virtual event. Overall, it was a great evening spent connecting with Economics alumni.

Submitted by Ms Valerie Chow ('97), President, NUS Economics Alumni 

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