NUS Pharmacy's 115th Anniversary Carnival

12 December

It was a wonderful afternoon spent with the Pharmily on 12 December for their first-ever virtual carnival! Besides celebrating the 115th Anniversary of NUS Pharmacy and 60th Anniversary of NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS), it was an exceptional opportunity for old and new friends to reconnect as well.

The carnival started off with the first highlight – “'Last lecture': Faith of a Leap of Faith" by Professor Lim Lee Yong. She shared her story of faith and encouraged the audience to be brave in taking the first step too. The good fun was continued in OveRxCooked, a remote pancake making/decorating challenge, and performances whereby staff and students got to showcase their talents.

The celebration would not have been complete without a walk down memory lane of the Department and NUSPS through video montages and a Kahoot quiz. It was NUS Pharmacy's pleasure to organise the carnival despite it being a virtual one, and the Department thanks all guests for taking time out of their schedules to join them for this special occasion.

Submitted by Ms Ng Shi Ying.

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