
04 July

Raffles Hall Association (RHA) held its first online community event, Homecoming@RH, on Saturday, 4 July 2020. The event marked a very special milestone in the RH chronicles as it was the first time that alumni in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and the United Kingdom came together in spite of geographical borders. History was created that afternoon with Rafflessians between 2 and 80 years old celebrating Balik Kampung ('going home' in Malay) together!

RHA Vice-Presidents, Lim Swee Kim (Computing '88) and Dixon Tioh (Computing '14) began the event with a warm welcome to all attendees - including VIPs, Emeritus Professor Dr Lee Soo Ann (Arts '60) and Dr Ho Chee Kong. RHA President Sonny Yuen (Business '85) shared his welcome speech and thanked Dr Ho Chee Kong, who was RH Master from 2010 to 2020 and established RHA during his term. Additionally, there was a beautiful appreciation video to thank Dr Ho for all that he had done for the Raffles Hall community. Dr Ho recently handed over the mantle to the new Master, A/Prof Stella Tan Wei Ling (Science '98), who has become the first female Master of Raffles Hall.

RHA also congratulated Dr Lee Soo Ann, who was conferred the honorary title of Emeritus Professor of Economics for his distinguished service to NUS since the 1950s. On behalf of their RH brothers, old boys from RH Bukit Timah, namely Rishyakaran (Engineering '75), Teo Eng Leong (Law '77), and Jeffrey Chan (Law '73) expressed their gratitude for Dr Lee’s friendship and stewardship when Dr Lee was their Hall Master from 1970 to 1973.

Dr Lee was also presented with an original video which showed photographs of his time as RH Master. The video included a memorable photo of Dr Lee accompanying the first Prime Minister of Singapore, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, as they walked towards the RH Communal Hall to meet the students for an enlightening talk and robust discussions.

Inspired by our rich heritage and the importance of renewal, RHA was pleased to announce the launch of RH Alumni Learning, led by alumna Cheong Wei Lee (Law '87), on 1 August 2020. 

For entertainment, there were three music videos featuring our talented alumni including David Yoong, Lim Thian Loke, and Manoel Gomes (all Engineering '76); Phua Sian Chin (Business '75); Al Dizon (Arts '83) and Chew Lean Im (Arts '82); Carol Lim (Design & Environment '87), Ngo Hwee Boon (Computing '88) and Swee Kim. Click here and here for the videos!

Behind the scenes, the impeccable organisation of Homecoming@RH was accomplished by Ng Kian Seng (Science '86), Leonard Tan (Engineering '18), Leong Siew Teng (Hall Manager), Dr Shobha Avadhani (Resident Fellow; Arts '93), with Dixon as the lead MC and Swee Kim as the program architect. Overall, it was a Balik Kampung occasion which was much needed for the emotional and mental boost to face the new tomorrow.

RHA capped off the memorable afternoon with the RH anthem, which the RH Family sang with much gusto, and the homecoming closed with a Thank You video with photographs of RHA's rich heritage.

Submitted by Ms Lim Swee Kim (Computing '88)

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