NUS Alumni Manila Chapter Christmas Gathering 2019

07 December

The new NUS Manila Chapter held its first-ever Christmas Gathering on 7 December 2019 at the Cerveseria (Spanish) Restaurant in Makati City, Metropolitan Manila. The event was well attended with 45 alumni from nine faculties and schools (Arts and Social Sciences, Business, Computing, Law, Public Policy, Medicine, Science, Design and Environment, and Public Health).

The event began with a presentation by the Chapter's Chairperson Mr Richard Tan (Public Policy '13), who also updated on the Chapter's recent activities and proposed quarterly events for 2020. During his presentation, Mr Tan shared his vision to create a dynamic Chapter by providing opportunities for active involvement of alumni.

Attendees were also treated to a presentation prepared by the Chapter's Treasurer Ms Carissa Caparra (Business '13) on the official launch of the Chapter on 28 August 2019 and the Chapter’s participation in the NUS Day of Service on 7 September 2019.

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