NUS Alumni Melbourne Chapter Chinese New Year Celebrations

08 February

83 alumni in Melbourne gathered with their partners and children to celebrate the year of metal rat at I Love Dumplings Restaurant.

Dr Edna Yeo (Science '93), Chairperson of the Chapter, began the evening with a welcome address. During the event, a special award from NUS Alumni Relations was presented to Dr Ang Woo Sin (Dentistry '68) by Dr Yeo, in appreciation of his invaluable contributions as former Chairperson of the Chapter from 2016 to 2018. Dr Ang’s wife, Dr (Mrs) Ang Kuan Mee (Dentistry '68), was also presented with a bouquet of flowers for her contributions to the Chapter.

One of the Chapter's committee member, Mr Roland Tan (Engineering '00), gave a brief talk on the upcoming NUS Day of Service in September, and called for suggestions on how the Chapter can give back to the community on this meaningful day. 

In addition to a sumptuous dinner and catching up with old friends and making new ones, guests were serenaded with wonderful performances by Mr Raymond Wong (Building & Estate Management '81), Ms Violet Seet (Accounting '89) and her husband Mr Richard Seet (Engineering '87), Ms Juliet Koh (Education '73) and her husband Mr Alain Romary, Dr Quek Seng Lian (Medicine '65), Mr Raymond Wong (Building and Estate Management '81), Mr Arul Earnest (Arts '97) and Mr Yang Li (Architecture '97), Mr Shannon Tan (Arts '55) and his wife Mrs Zenaida Tan, and Mr Peter Koh (Science '87).

Submitted by Ms Surila R Chandra (Arts '92) Secretary, NUS Alumni Melbourne Chapter

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