Science Alumni-Student Mentorship Programme

13 January

The inaugural Science Alumni-Student Mentorship programme was launched in July 2022 to create a shared community for forging stronger bonds between students and alumni. Through this mutually beneficial programme, Science students acquire industry-relevant insights and career guidance, better enabling them to prepare for life and work after graduation. The alumni mentors in turn contribute meaningfully to student development by coaching them.

The programme successfully paired 25 mentors with 56 mentees in the inaugural run. The first round of the mentorship programme concluded with an appreciation ceremony-cum-networking dinner on 13 January 2023, where the mentors and mentees shared learning experiences. Here’s what they had to say about their experience:

Excellent program for both mentors and mentees to learn from one another as mentoring is definitely not a one-way channel only from a mentor to a mentee!
- Serene Ong, Mentor

I am just so thankful for Ms Serene’s Ong guidance over the past few months. Thank you to her for preparing for all the sessions and having a very clear agenda for each session, despite having such a hectic schedule! I really appreciate the time and effort she took to guide each of us. I have learnt so much about leadership, and I also got to know myself better 🙂 I hope she continues to guide other students like myself, and empower other women leaders!
- Deborah Yow, Mentee

Submitted by Ms Lim Jia Jia (Science '14)

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