Issue 117 | Apr-Jun 2019

Chinese New Year Appreciation Dinner

The annual appreciation dinner hosted by NUS President and NUS Alumni Relations for alumni leaders, volunteers, partners and staff was held on 12 February.

NUS President Prof Tan Eng Chye (right) and NUS Alumni Relations Director Mr Bernard Toh received the Chinese New Year couplets from the NUS Lion Diance troupe.
The annual appreciation dinner hosted by NUS President and NUS Alumni Relations for alumni leaders, volunteers, partners and staff was held on 12 February. More than 200 guests attended the event, including NUS Pro-Chancellors Dr Chan Sek Keong (Law ’61) and Mr Po’ad Mattar (Accountancy ’71); NUS Board of Trustees Members Mr Phillip Tan and Dr Noeleen Heyzer (Arts and Social Sciences ’71); as well as Her Excellency Lynn McDonald, High Commissioner of Canada to Singapore.

An energetic lion dance by NUS Lion Dance welcomed guests at Shaw Foundation Alumni House, before they proceeded to NUS Society Kent Ridge Guild House for a festive lo hei dinner and performances by NUS Chinese Orchestra and The Outside Edition (an a cappella group comprising NUS alumni).
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