MBA Alumni - NUS Advancement Fund and Networking Dinner 2019

20 March

MBA Alumni held its signature annual networking dinner on 20 March, with an added fundraising component this year.

More than 110 alumni attended the MBA Alumni – NUS Advancement Fund and Networking Dinner 2019, which aimed to raise funds to support needy students taking part in overseas exchange programme. Providing undergraduates with a Global, Experiential and Industry-relevant education has been a key objective for NUS Business School. Since 2017, it is mandatory for all students to gain international exposure. Students will be able to meaningfully expand their horizons and graduate as globally-minded, culturally aware individuals. This may be a semester abroad, an overseas internship or a study trip, to allow students to be better prepared for the global economy.

This requirement would put a strain on financially needy students. While there are financial aid provided to needy students, this does not cover expenses for overseas experience. Students are required to budget up to around $8,000 for an overseas stint. Students working part-time to finance their studies would also lose the opportunity to earn additional income while overseas. Through this initiative, MBA Alumni hope to help realise students' potential, as this is pivotal to ensure social equality and mobility.

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