NUS Engineering Class of 1983 Charity Golf

26 February

The NUS Engineering Class of 1983 Charity Golf to raise funds for scholarships was held on 26 February at the Orchid Country Club. Jointly organised by NUS Engineering and the Engineering Class of 1983, 144 alumni, donors, sponsors and friends took part in the golf tournament. This was followed by a dinner and prize presentation ceremony in the evening.

Er Tan Seng Chuan (’83), Chairman of the organising committee and his committee presented a cheque of $300,000 to NUS Engineering Vice Dean (Student Life, Alumni & Development), Prof David Chua (’86) during the dinner. This was the total amount raised through two events championed by the Engineering Class of 1983 – a Reunion Dinner (held last year) and a charity golf.

The scholarships will help to support bright and talented undergraduates, with a preference for financially needy students, in pursuing their dreams of a world-class university education in Engineering. The inaugural batch of scholarships is expected to be disbursed in Academic Year 2020/2021.

  • Others - NUS Engineering and Engineering Class of 1983
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