Issue 118 | Jul-Sep 2019

How to Thrive

A special edition of Lunch Dialogues was held on 26 April at NUSS’ (NUS Society) Mandalay Guild House featuring Dr Jade Kua (Medicine ’03), and moderated by Dr Kelvin Chua (Dentistry ’11).

Dr Kua is a padediatric emergency specialist at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, programme director for DARE (Dispatcher-Assisted First Responder), blogger, author, and mother of six who also provides a home for rescued dogs. Despite her multiple roles as a mother, a wife and a career woman – with heavy responsibilities both at work and at home – Dr Kua shared candidly with alumni and friends during the session how she stays happy and healthy, and thrives. Read more about Dr Kua’s life and health tips at A Doctor’s Note (


1. Maintain good mental hygiene (health).

2. Triage the tasks and know your priorities.

3. Find (or create!) joy at work.
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