Kent Ridge Hall 40th Anniversary Carnival: Krisneyland

11 January

Kent Ridge Hall (KRH) celebrated its 40th Anniversary on 11 January in a jubilant fashion with a celebratory carnival graced by the Hall’s Founding Master Dr Lee Soo Ann (Arts '60). Residents and alumni came together for a fun-filled day and had an opportunity to interact with Dr Lee to understand how hall life was like 40 years ago.

Alumni were excited to come back to KRH, and for some, the present location was new to them as the Hall only relocated here in 2002. Many alumni also brought their families along and it was heartwarming to see them share their hall experiences with their young children. Photographs of the old KRH building are displayed in a mini gallery called 'Memory Walk'. Alumni from Kent Ridge Dance and Rockers also took time off their busy schedule to rehearse and perform at the celebration. 

The first ever Kent Ridge Hall mascot was unveiled during the celebration and it was definitely one of the main highlights of the event. This was a project undertaken by KRH’s 40th Junior Common Room Committee Public Relations Director, Mr Howe Lee. The wolf symbolises how Kent Ridgeans stick together through thick and thin, like a pack of wolves. As the saying goes "Once a Kent Ridgean, Always a Kent Ridgean".

“Initially, undertaking the task of creating a mascot for Kent Ridge Hall was a daunting one, there were so many considerations about what the mascot should represent. After many months of meticulous planning, I managed to narrow down the selections and asked residents and alumni to poll for what best represents them. Looking back, I am very grateful for this opportunity that allowed me to work with my Kent Ridge Family to create something so historic for the hall”, said Mr Lee.

Submitted by Ms Bernice Wan Jia Yi (KRH resident)

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