Shaping Thinkers and Doers Who Will Make an Impact in the World

09 February

A brand-new logo was unveiled at the annual Scholars Programme Alumni Network (SPAN) Get-Together organised by the University Scholars Programme (USP) held on 9 February at the Balmoral Hall at Royal Plaza on Scotts, and attended by about 70 USP alumni, students, faculty and staff.

Alumni received the new USP information booklet that carries the new USP logo and catchy call-toaction, which is to shape independent, adaptable thinkers and doers who will make an impact in the world . The new logo features an icon that symbolises the “inter”-weaving of ideas, perspectives and disciplines, among other qualities.

What is USP to alumni? “USP is like a kampung where ideas, actions and stories get interwoven with the joy of learning.” said Mr Ibnur Rashad (Engineering + USP ’11). Ms Afiqah Suhaiemi (Arts and Social Sciences + USP ’16) thought that “USP is like the sea and you’re the sailor. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”

In his welcome address, USP Director Associate Professor Kang Hway Chuan said that it has been wonderful to see how our alumni have been staying connected with the programme and contributing towards its growth over the years, making the USP community such a uniquely close-knit one within the wider NUS. Assoc Prof Kang said he hoped to see more alumni contributing to the recruitment of new USP students through sharing sessions, admission interviews as well as participating in panel dialogues about the value of an USP education at various outreach events. USP staff also shared about some projects involving alumni and students, including the newly-founded student-led USP Consulting Club.

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