NUS Department of Pharmacy's #PassionPridePurpose Contest

15 March

Practising and Aspiring Pharmacists Share Their Passion, Pride, and Purpose

Commemorating its 115th anniversary this year, the NUS Department of Pharmacy kicked off its celebrations with the launch of the #PassionPridePurpose Contest, a series of three contests which will run throughout the year for alumni, students, and friends to share their passion, pride, and purpose in pharmacy. 

With the successful conclusion of the contest's first instalment on 15 March 2020, Ms Azrina Tan ('18) was announced as the winner of the contest. Three consolation prize winners were also announced, including Mr Sean Ang ('10). 

The second instalment of the contest is due to take place from 15 June to 15 July 2020. 

Submitted by Ms Ng Shi Ying

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