The “Last Lecture” Dinner – Becoming All You’re Meant To Be
Alumni, friends, staff and students gathered on 26 April 2024 for our “Last Lecture Dinner” to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Faculty of Science.

Mr Alex Tee shared insights from his personal journey of growth and moments of vulnerability, and how these experiences made him flourish and feel invigorated. He encouraged attendees to embrace meaningful risks and shared some ideas on how to start: Is there a conversation you need to have? Is there a person you need to pursue? Is there a sacrifice you need to make? Is there a project you need to start?

Following the lecture, alumni spanning from the class of '78 to recent graduates engaged in a lively game of human Bingo, fostering camaraderie over good food and wine.

The Pharmacy Alumni Group and Department are delighted by the evening's success and eagerly anticipate future alumni gatherings.
NUS CDE Class Ambassador Network
On Wednesday, 24 April 2024, the NUS College of Design and Engineering (CDE) Class Ambassador Network (CCAN) hosted an engaging and dynamic event aimed at fostering alumni connections and engagement. Held at the NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House, the event brought together esteemed alumni and faculty members, for an evening filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and collaborative brainstorming sessions.

The event commenced with a warm welcome address by Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay, the Assistant Dean of CDE Alumni Relations. Professor Teo set the tone for the evening by emphasising the importance of alumni engagement and the pivotal role that CCAN plays in strengthening ties between alumni and the department. He highlighted upcoming events, provided updates on ongoing activities, and encouraged attendees to actively participate and contribute to the vibrant alumni community.

A series of enriching sessions followed, beginning with a comprehensive sharing session on Class Ambassador initiatives, upcoming events, and ongoing activities. Attendees were encouraged to link back to the department and connect on LinkedIn to stay updated and engaged. As the evening progressed, attendees enjoyed a delightful buffet dinner while engaging in networking sessions. The relaxed ambiance provided the perfect backdrop for meaningful conversations and the exchange of ideas.

The highlight of the event was a stimulating discussion on alumni engagement. Participants actively participated in brainstorming sessions, exploring innovative ideas for collaborations and initiatives that would further enhance alumni involvement. Alumni shared their experiences and insights, underscoring the importance of staying connected and giving back to the alma mater.

In his closing remarks, Professor Heng Chye Kiang, the Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation, expressed gratitude to all attendees for their active participation and enthusiasm throughout the event. He highlighted the positive impact of the gathering in fostering new connections, extending networks, and strengthening the bonds within the alumni community. Professor Heng emphasised the significance of alumni engagement in driving the department's continued success and called for continued support and involvement from all alumni. Attendees departed with renewed enthusiasm and a sense of camaraderie, it was evident that CCAN's commitment to alumni engagement continues to resonate strongly within the community, promising a future filled with collaboration, innovation, and shared success.

To find out more about the event, please visit the CDE Alumni Relations website at
Art Jam Dinner
In keeping with the upcoming season of art festivals in Hong Kong, we held an art jam cum dinner at Artjamming Studio. It was a balmy evening and we sat outdoors on a patio amidst the industrial buildings of Wong Chuk Hang in the south of Hong Kong. We ordered some food from HoHon Eatery. To get better value from our small budget, we did the food pick-up ourselves, ordered wine from a wine cellar, and bought chocolates, cheese and pate from the store. This allowed us to have a sumptuous spread. The artjamming session was very educational as the instructor is an architect who is passionate about art and painting and has a unique way of teaching complete beginners, which she calls “building a pizza”. Everyone had plenty to eat and drink, ended up with a piece of art they could take home (most chose to paint a tote bag which they could use!), and made some new friends. Overall, a successful event given the many thank you messages I received after the event!

Submitted by Diana Ng (Arts and Social Sciences '91) 
Guided Autobiography III: Reflections, Self-Exploratory Journey and Purposeful Way Forward
Over the span of ten weeks from mid-January to end March 2024, a group of ten alumni gathered weekly in a classroom at NUS College (NUSC).

Guided by Professor Philip Holden and co-facilitator Bianca Tham (Arts and Social Sciences + USP ’17), we embarked on a self-exploratory journey through the Guided Autobiography (GAB) class. GAB is a practice that helps participants reflect on and re-story their lives in a supportive environment. Each week, participants delved into themed writing exercises by drawing upon memories or past experiences, and subsequently sharing their stories with the group.

Started in 2022, this was the third run of the GAB class organised by NUSC, which is open to alumni participants from NUSC, the University Scholars Programme (USP), and Yale-NUS.

Initially drawn to GAB with the intention to reflect, process my past and gain perspective into my life, I found myself enriched beyond measure by the ten-week class. Themes such as “major branching points in life”, “family”, “life’s work”, “health and well-being”, “gender identity”, “navigating differences” and “death and dying”, led me to explore a different window in my past each passing week. The reading aloud of stories was unexpectedly therapeutic and cathartic. Listening to the stories shared by the group also provided me a window into their life, fostering a deeper appreciation of the diverse journeys of others. Often, the class was filled with joy and laughter, sometimes grief and tears, but mostly it was a strong and trusted circle of support, affirmation, appreciation and connectedness.

I am grateful to NUSC and the Alumni Relations team for organising the class, and most of all, to Prof Holden and Bianca for volunteering their time; skillfully and thoughtfully bringing the group of alumni together; enabling us to review our life; rediscover our strengths; reaffirm our values and chart a purposeful way forward. Indeed, GAB was a transformative journey for us, in the full alumni spirit of continuous learning and growth, no less!

Submitted by Yvonne Ng (Science + USP '05)
NUS President’s Dialogue with CDE Alumni
The President’s Dialogue with Alumni, held on 12 March 2024 at the NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House, was a gathering filled with camaraderie, inspiration, and meaningful connections.

The event brought together esteemed alumni from the College of Design and Engineering (CDE), along with distinguished guests from the National University of Singapore (NUS) leadership. Six notable CDE alumni were specially invited to the lunch, alongside NUS Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost Professor Thean Voon-Yew Aaron; CDE Acting Dean Professor Teo Kie Leong; CDE Assistant Dean (Alumni Relations) Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay; and Chief Alumni Officer Ms. Ovidia Lim-Rajaram.

The highlight of the event was a captivating presentation by Ms. Anthea Foong, who shared her remarkable life journey with the audience. From her humble beginnings as an undergraduate at NUS to her endeavours as an entrepreneur and national fencer, Ms. Foong's story resonated deeply with everyone present, leaving an impression of resilience, determination, and success.

The atmosphere during the dialogue was vibrant and engaging, as attendees strengthened old connections and forged new ones. The exchange of ideas and experiences among alumni was both lively and fruitful, facilitated by the congenial ambiance and the delectable spread of food. The event concluded on a high note, leaving attendees feeling invigorated and inspired by the achievements and aspirations of their fellow alumni. It was indeed a testament to the enduring legacy of NUS and the profound impact of its alumni community.

To find out more about the event, please visit the CDE Alumni Relations website at
20th Anniversary of International Business Law Programme
Time has flown by since our days at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL); we have journeyed together, hand in hand, chasing our dreams. It is amazing to see our fellow alumni thriving in their careers across the globe and excelling in their fields.

With the LLM International Business Law (IBL) programme marking its 20th anniversary milestone this year, a celebration was held at Changning Campus of ECUPL on 10 March 2024, thanks to the initiative of the IBL Alumni Committee.

This event could not have been successfully organised without the generous contribution from a number of law firms where fellow alumni are currenting working. More than 100 alumni took part in this event in person and a few alumni joined up virtually. Prof Stephen Phua and Prof CT Kuan from NUS, as well as Prof Yang Yanping, Prof Yang Zhongxiao, Prof Shao Jun, Associate Prof Li Na, Associate Prof Peng Xu, and Associate Prof Shi Xiangrui from ECUPL, graced the event.

It is worth highlighting that a presentation on Cross-border Investment by the current batch of IBL students was included at the end of the event to showcase the skills they learned from the programme. Let us look forward to the next 20 years of the IBL programme.

By Charles Guo, IBL Class of 2010
NUS CDE Alumni Mentorship Mid-Programme Meet
The evening commenced with an air of anticipation as guests arrive at the venue, greeted by the warm ambiance and the promise of meaningful connections. Assistant Dean of CDE Alumni Relations, Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay, set the tone with a welcoming address, emphasising the importance of connections and shared experiences in the mentorship community. Expressing gratitude to mentors and mentees for their commitment to the mentorship programme, he acknowledged the invaluable contributions each individual brings to the community. The evening continued with an engaging introductory session, where mentees and mentors bonded through sharing insights and participating in the icebreaker activity, "Two Truths and One Lie." Attendees fostered lively conversations and meaningful connections as mentors and mentees networked within their groups. As the event drew to a close, attendees reflected on the enriching experiences shared throughout the evening. The echoes of laughter and shared experiences lingered, a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and community. The event not only strengthened existing connections but laid the foundation for new ones, fostering a vibrant and supportive mentorship community for years to come.
Lunar New Year Dinner
The Lunar New Year Dinner Event, held on 17 February 2024 and organised by the NUS Alumni Melbourne Chapter Committee, was a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity, unity, and the spirit of the Lunar New Year. We ushered in the Wood Dragon Year, signifying power, vitality and nurturing qualities of the wood element.

Hosted at the Fu House in Forest Hill, the event brought together 85 NUS alumni, staff, family and friends from Victoria, interstate and internationally to celebrate this auspicious time of the year with joy and festivity. The evening commenced with a captivating lion dance involving our very own alumni members – led by Miss Cynthia Chua (Engineering '12), her husband Wenda Tan (NUS Alumni Partner), Dr Zoe Hernstadt (NUS Alumni Partner) and our committee member, Mr Guo Qi Pei (Engineering '11). It kickstarted the joyous mood for the evening, wishing all attendees a prosperous new year.

The centrepiece of the event was undoubtedly the exquisite array of gourmet cuisine. Traditional dishes such as Lou Yu Sheng, Buddha Jump Over the Wall, fried turbot, Chinese-style beef tenderloin, garlic pork ribs, seafood tofu hotpot and lemon chicken were amongst the many sumptuous dishes served crafted to tantalise the taste buds and evoke the flavours of the season.

Throughout the evening, many guests from individual tables, including Mr Peter Koh (Science '87) and Dr Edna Yeo (Science '93), initiated Yum Seng cheers. There were six lucky draw prizes consisting of three traditional food hampers, and generous vouchers from Crown, Peninsula Hot Springs and Endota Spa. The team from NUS Medicine also brought along beautifully designed red packets as souvenirs for the attendees. These activities fostered a sense of camaraderie and provided attendees with memorable experiences to cherish.

This year we had the generous sponsorship and involvement of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine as our main sponsor of the event, with three very special staff members, Mr Luke Siah (Senior Assistant Director, NUS Medicine Dean's Office), Miss Wai Mun Phoon (Manager, NUS Medicine Alumni Relations) and Mr Jay Kaelash (Director, NUS Medicine Dean's Office) in attendance. This event was also a landmark year where we extended the invitation to Dr Daniel James (Medicine '77) and Dr Mei Wee (Medicine ‘77), who are living interstate in South Australia. We also had distinguished Dr Tan Sri Mani Jegathesan (Medicine ‘67), who lives between Malaysia and Singapore, and is often referred to as the Flying Doctor of Malaysia for his athletic achievements in Asia.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, lion dancers, committee members, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and the NUS Office of Alumni Relations for their time, effort and sponsorship that all contributed to the success of this memorable event. Together, we look forward to ushering in 2024 filled with prosperity, happiness, and goodwill towards all.
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