NUSC Alumni Trivia Night

21 May

On a delightful evening recently, NUS College alumni gathered for an unforgettable Alumni Trivia Night, filled with challenging questions, hearty laughs, and a wonderful sense of camaraderie. Hosted by our enthusiastic alumni co-hosts, Law Zhe Wen (Engineering + USP '15) and Elliot Tan (Business + USP '15), the event brought together former classmates and new friends, all united by the shared connection to NUSC.

The trivia competition was fierce but friendly, with participants showcasing impressive knowledge across various categories. From brain-busting questions that had everyone scratching their heads to moments of sheer brilliance, the evening was a true celebration of intellect and community spirit. Did you know that the term “spa” is derived from the town of Spa in Belgium, known for its mineral-rich waters since Roman times? Or that the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the Earth's deepest point, reaching depths of 10,994 meters?

Congratulations to our trivia champions, who walked away with exciting prizes including meals at the Cinnamon Dining Hall, a bottle of champagne, and CapitaLand vouchers sponsored by fellow alums. These rewards added an extra layer of excitement and friendly competition to the night. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making Alumni Trivia Night a fun evening.

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