Panel Discussion - Career Guidance for Young Graduates and Mid-Career Professionals

10 September

NUS Alumni Toastmasters Club aims to help members achieve personal growth through improving communications, leadership skills, and by allowing members to develop meaningful networks with like-minded alumni. The group is guided by a structured education program. Meeting regularly, the group also creates opportunities to learn from the collective wisdom and experiences of fellow members.

On 10 September, club member Mr Xavier Dong (Business ‘17) prepared and moderated a simulated panel discussion on career guidance targeted at young graduates and mid-career professionals. Three alumni, Mr Wee Gee Shing (Business ’07), Mr Marcus Tay (Engineering ’08) and Ms Pei Wei (Business ’17) were invited as the panellists. They come from diverse backgrounds and industries, which include Management Consulting, Sustainability Operations and Investment Services. Their individual work experiences range from four to more than ten years. During the panel discussion, a top concern for many graduates was how to navigate career options and development in an increasingly complex global economy. Concurrently, Xavier posed pertinent questions to the panellists like stories about their career paths, personal motivations, important considerations in choosing an industry / organisation / job roles, and the challenges of maintaining focussed in the current global health crisis. The panel discussion ended on a high note as each panellist shared a piece of advice which would help participants develop the right approach in career choices, organisations and people whom they work with.

Submitted by Mr Wee Gee Shing (Business ’07).

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