The “Last Lecture” series - Finding Meaning and Purpose through Hope

14 August

At the recent Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day, NUS Department of Pharmacy organised a fruitful session which was part of the "Last Lecture” series. Titled Finding Meaning and Purpose through Hope, the talk was delivered by Mr Wu Tuck Seng, Advisor to NUH Department of Pharmacy. Mr Wu shared candidly about his work in clinical pharmacy and automation – areas that he was passionate in, and urged everyone to discover their own destiny in life. A recording of the event will be available by early September at the event website here.

NUS Department of Pharmacy would like to express their thanks to over 100 attendees, including staff, students, alumni and Pharmily friends, for spending their Saturday afternoon tuning in to the talk, and hopes to see everyone again at future events!

Submitted by Ms Ng Shi Ying.

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