Once a part of CFA, Always a part of CFA

20 July

A lunch to congratulate the 2019 NUS Centre For the Arts (CFA) graduates was held on 20 July.

Mr Tan Kuan Ting (Science '19), who was also a member of the NUS Dance Synergy (one of the 21 CFA student groups under the guidance of CFA) had this to share at the lunch, “the opportunities given to me by the NUS Dance Synergy has made me ponder about my place in the group and in society at large. I was not the best dancer at the beginning, and yet I was given the chance to perform and grow. Translating this to my career as an educator, my personal experience in NUS Dance Synergy affirms my belief that opportunities should also be given to every student, regardless of their abilities. Education is a tool to help reduce inequality and empower the less fortunate, and this will be a distant dream if there is not enough opportunities for every student.”

This group of graduates from various faculties and departments (Science, Engineering, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Business and Arts and Social Sciences) have each found their passion in dance, orchestra, wind symphony, drama and back-stage work during their time at NUS CFA. This stands as testimony to Mr Tan’s sharing that education and platforms like NUS CFA provide the opportunities for all to pursue regardless of ability.

NUS CFA provides many other opportunities for alumni to continue their involvement with their groups:

Many alumni have also involved themselves in one of the three semi-professional groups under the CFA Alumni Chapter: NUS Piano Ensemble Alumni, NUS Alumni Orchestra and NUS Alumni Movement. These groups serve as platforms for CFA alumni to continue their support to CFA in realising its vision to be a vibrant arts space for the appreciation of the arts in the community. To find out more, please click here.

Beyond the education at NUS, CFA is an advocate of inculcating a culture of lifelong learning and passion for the arts. As NUS Alumni, we welcome each and every one to be part of this exciting journey with us. Please visit the NUS CFA website to keep updated on all the activities and happenings.

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