K(NO)W Stigma 2022

At our #AreuOK event last year, you told us you would like to learn more about anxiety, stress, depression, and other mental health issues.
We hear you!
This June, we’re stepping up to the challenge with the first edition of K(NO)W Stigma!
Join us as we:
✔️demystify the topic of mental wellness
✔️ create a safe space for more in-depth dialogue
Our first edition of the K(NO)W Stigma is an exciting series of events that will culminate in a panel discussion at NUS UTown Auditorium 1, where we’ll touch on topics such as anxiety disorder and burnout from work.
Will you take a stand with us against one of the biggest barriers to seeking help for mental wellness — stigma?
NUS Staff and Students: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/know-stigma-2022-tickets-353744247567

Downloadable Information Sheet:
Meet our Panellists:

Clarence Ti
Deputy President (Administration), Office of the President, National University of Singapore
Deborah Seah
NUS Peer Supporter, Senior Executive Information Technology, Duke-NUS Medical School
Zhin Sadali
Ex-NUS Student, Account Manager and Head of Project Management Office, TheSmartLocal.com
We would like to thank our following NUS partners:
Thank you for your contributions to the #AreuOK campaign and the K(NO)W Stigma 2022 Event, and we look forward to more collaborations in the future!

The campaign returns!
Last year, our post-campaign survey found that:

This year, let us journey with you.
Following the success of the campaign's first launch last year, NUS Health and Wellbeing aims to further inculcate values of empathy and understanding surrounding mental health within the NUS community.
This year, with this refreshed campaign, we hope to create a safe space, free from stigma, where it is okay to reach out for support.
Let us walk with you on your journey for mental wellbeing. Here at NUS Health and Wellbeing, we are always here to support you.
Support is always available for both staff (HWB Wellbeing Check In and NUS Heart) and students (University Counselling Services).

Managing Setbacks
Setbacks happen inevitably from time to time, but how do we bounce back from them?
Click here to read an article contributed by Desmond, our Wellbeing Specialist Partner, and Johnathan, our Communications and Branding Assistant, as they share how we can go about doing so!

Finding Hope
It can be difficult to remain optimistic when the future seems uncertain in a drawn-out pandemic.
Click here to read an article contributed by Haikel, our Special Projects Care Manager, and Johnathan, our Communications and Branding Assistant, as they share how we can go about finding hope, even in a pandemic!
Understanding Our Emotions

Dealing effectively with our emotions can sometimes be challenging.
For many of us, we often suppress our emotions in fear of negative reactions from others. Additionally, the existence of certain (sometimes unspoken) societal and organisational rules might sway us against expressing our feelings freely.
Current psychological research has suggested that when individuals do not acknowledge and address their emotions, they tend to display lower wellbeing and more physical symptoms of stress, like headaches.
Naming our emotions — what psychologists call labelling — is an essential first step in dealing with them effectively. However, many of us struggle to identify what we feel and why we feel a certain way, often requiring guidance.
Let us accompany you on this journey in exploring how to manage our emotions better!






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