Template A (Academic staff/faculty)
Associate Professor CHEN Mui Ho :: Director, Centre for Advanced Chemical Engineering :: Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering :: Faculty of Engineering :: National University of Singapore :: 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576 :: +65 6516 2101 (DID) :: +65 6777 3847 (Fax) :: chen.muiho@nus.edu.sg (E) :: nus.edu.sg (W) :: facebook.com/nus.singapore :: twitter.com/nusingapore :: instagram.com/nus_singapore :: Company Registration No: 200604346E
Text in Arial, 9 pt,
NUS blue (R0, G61, B124) |
Template B (Professional/admin/non-academic staff)
Richard TAN (Mr) :: Manager, Office of University Communications :: National University of Singapore :: University Hall, Tan Chin Tuan Wing, UHT #02-02, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077 :: +65 6516 2000 (DID) :: +65 6777 3847 (Fax) :: richard.tan@nus.edu.sg (E) :: nus.edu.sg (W) :: facebook.com/nus.singapore :: twitter.com/nusingapore :: instagram.com/nus_singapore :: Company Registration No: 200604346E
Text in Arial, 9 pt,
NUS blue (R0, G61, B124) |
Template C (Chinese text)
Associate Professor LEE Wen Bin 李文彬副教授 :: Deputy Head 副主任, Centre for Language Studies 语言中心 :: Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences 文学暨社会科学院 :: National University of Singapore 新加坡囯立大学 :: Block AS4, #02-03, 9 Arts Link, Singapore 117570:: +65 6516 6339 (DID) :: +65 6777 3848 (Fax) :: lee.wenbin@nus.edu.sg (E) :: nus.edu.sg (W) :: facebook.com/nus.singapore :: twitter.com/nusingapore :: instagram.com/nus_singapore :: Company Registration No: 200604346E
English text in Arial, 9 pt;
Chinese text in
Times New Roman, 9 pt;
NUS blue (R0, G61, B124) |
Optional Elements:
Name with SURNAME in Caps (Salutation) :: Designation, Department / Faculty / Centre / Institute :: National University of Singapore :: Address :: +65 6516 xxxx (DID) :: +65 6777 xxxx (Fax) :: Email address (E) :: nus.edu.sg (W) :: facebook.com/nus.singapore :: twitter.com/nusingapore :: instagram.com/nus_singapore :: Company Registration No: 200604346E
Text in Arial, 9 pt,
NUS blue (R0, G61, B124) |
SAVE PAPER - Think before you print.
Text in Arial, 8 pt,
Green (R0, G61, B124) |
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